Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
Paano at Estilo

I have been using this method to filter my drinking water for the past five years. The charcoal and sand need to be replaced once every three months, approximately, depending on the quality of the water that you are filtering.
#adamwaynegistarb #offgrid #diy #waterfilter

LilyoftheValley flood drainage system invention using holes logs leaves debris n soil breaking plants
dealing with heavy duty clay soil in flood prone areas can be disastrous. Floods cause lots of damage if the water is not contained and put to good use.
All praises to Jehovah, GOD ALMIGHTY for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. It is He who gives me the knowledge to help my household and my people worldwide to get things done.
Smoking with medicinal debris, invention, how to use yard waste, reduce electricity, eat, heal, cook, preserve, clean yards, get ash, fertilizer for plants, all at the same time

Shalom, my Loc journey began on 5/17/2020, along with recommitting my life to my ABBA YAH! HALLELUYAH, ALL ESTEEM to YAHUAH. Through the dedication of my African hair (comb twist method) locs, my page & purpose is sole dedicated to The Creator, Torah, and my hair journey to repentance, growth, and patience. Follow my Journey with open-mindedness! - Yoana AnaYah
Hebrew Meditation: "And the Spirit of the Yahuah shall rest upon him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and might, The spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Elohym." Isaiah (Yesha'Yahu)11:2
Products used
My Gel by Joie Naturals
DIY Rose water: water, glycerin, Rose petals, vitamin e, joboba oil, olive oil, rosehip oil
Video created Major Bands Films
Hebrew Music by Zion Music group
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Reusing CD racks in garden training children to be self sufficient at home. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Home School Training

Self sufficiency. Recycling bath, rain, grey water siphon pump connectors hose. make a slingshot
Nigerian at age 5 , 6
He Built A Generator that Uses only Water and this happened

Cisterns ancient water storage technology
Nathaniel Peat: Enterprising entrepreneur
With this plan, Peat, who is of Jamaican heritage, travelled to the island to assist with the Kimroy Bailey Robotics Summer Camp in Trelawny to help 32 young people get trained in building ...
6 Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs Lighting Up Jamaica
Feb 7, 2019Nathaniel Peat is a multi-award winning British-Jamaican entrepreneur, engineer and a man of many talents and achievements. ... a renewable energy company with operations in Africa and the ...
Rain Water Harvesting and other techniques to solve water woes