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Winter indoor outdoor waterboot footwear socks gloves grey water use flush toilet burst pipes, de,ic
53 צפיות
• 01/26/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem
93 מנויים
How to manage in the winter emergencies, how to prepare as best as you can while you can , how to de ice slippery areas, how to use grey water when there is no water coming through the pipes, during winter ice storm emergencies
Space heaters, fire wood outside, burn bins, gloves, water boots, snow boots, jackets, warm clothing, electric blankets, buckets, salt, ice scraper, sand or material that can give traction
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לִפנֵי 2 חודשים
oh no… I’m glad you are okay. Falls are so scary, especially as we get older.