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A Battle Cry | URGENT End Times Prayer for Judah | Lashawan Ahabah | Love Language
Lashawan Ahabah is a new segment of the Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Ministries, brought to you by Lashawan Ahabah means love language or language of love in the Ancient Hebrew tongue. The Ancient Hebrew word Lashawan means language or tongue (Strong’s H3956). The word Ahabah means love (Strong’s H160). As believers and followers of the Way of the Most High YAH, we use our "tongues," or rather language, to show love to the Father, His Son, Y’SHUA, Jesus The Messiah, and our neighbor. The Word tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Master thy ELOHIM with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We express this love through prayer, poems, praise, and worship. Whether you listen, recite, or say these prayers in your heart, Abba hears you. Let’s exalt Him together! Shalom!
ELOHIM of hosts
EL of the armies of Yashar’el
YOU command armies
This is a battle cry
I’m crying out for my people Yashar’el
Wake them up O YAH
Draw near to them
Touch them with Your Ruach
The time has come for us to reclaim what is ours
Show Your Mighty Hand to all the unbelievers
The nations have done Your people so wrong
I know the fire is kindled for Your people O YAH
YOU will avenge our blood,
Our pain,
Our suffering
Judah is a lion’s whelp
We do not fully know who we are
We do not know our worth
I read about our people in Your Word
How they were mighty men and women
YOU hand picked men to lead our people
To the Promised Land
I know this will happen again
But not by the hand of man
It will be by Your Ruach Hakodesh
Some of us are waking up
Sadly, we are waking up to more deception and division
Our people condemn and shun one another
For the names we call YOU and Your Son,
For the different tongues and dialects,
Condemning each other for the outward appearance,
Judging who is keeping the correct Shabbat and Feast Days
ABBA, Help them to see
That this is just another tactic of the enemy
We have awaken
But we can not get along as a collective people
But still scattered spiritually
We are crying out to YOU from the four corners of the earth
We are ready to be gathered to YOU and Your Son
Y’SHUA our Messiah
Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah
The Root of David
Praise Your Set Apart Name
We are not worthy
YOU chose us as Your special treasure
Above all people on the face of the earth
Not because we were more in number
For we were the least of all people
But because YOU love us
And always keep Your Word
Which YOU swore to our fathers,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Though our people are stiff necked,
A rebellious house
YOU still love us
YOU long suffer with us
Rise up Judah
YOU brought our people out with a Mighty Hand
And redeemed us from the house of bondage
From the hand of Pharoah
Thank You ABBA for redemption
I know YOU will redeem us again
The end is near
It is time to REPENT
To get our houses in order
Give our lives to the one true KING
Die daily to our fleshly desires
Cry out Yashar’el
Cry out Judah
When we cry out collectively
ABBA hears us
Avenge Your people YHWH TSABAOTH
When the day of Your wrath comes
It will be a great and terrible day
I just want to be on the right side
When that time comes
Thank YOU for Your grace and mercy
Through Y’SHUA, all people can be saved
I pray my people wake up soon
Time is winding down
Stand up Lion of Judah
O how I want to be ready
When Y’SHUA comes
I want to be arrayed with fine linen
And called to the marriage supper of the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb!
To behold His Glory will be breathtaking
Fight for us O YAH
Bring us all back to YOU
We need YOU
Please don’t let us forget the Covenant
The only point of this life is to come back to YOU
I want to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life
Troublesome times are coming
A time like never before
Daniel 12 says at that time,
Michael the great prince,
Shall stand up
Fear Not Yashar’el
Fear Not O Jacob
I’m crying out for my people
Deliverance is near
This is a battle cry
In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray
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