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A Prayer for the Whole House of Israel
Shalawam Yahsharalah. May Yahuah bless you in the name of Yahawashi. This video is a prayer from early 2024 that I brought over from YouTube. I'm bringing my content over to Hebrew Connect TV. I am planning to create content for HCTV in the coming days. I hope that it is a blessing for you.
Caption from YouTube: As Israelites awaken around the world by learning their true identity it is imperative that we are immersed in prayer. The education that we are receiving from our teachers, preachers and elders is very important, as well as all the signs that we are seeing that indicates we are at the end of the age. As the Most High communicates his word with us, we must pray without ceasing. With that notion in mind, I offer this prayer, and many others, for the Whole House of Israel, in these last days.
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