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Aeta Negritoes Negrillos from the 12 Tribes Israel in Phillipines likeness to Cameroon Nigeria Jamai
Fullblooded Aeta Negritoes Negrillos from the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel in the Phillipines ? How they are similar to the Cameroonians, Nigerians and Jamaicans.
I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
AETA Negroes can contact us at
service @ 12tribesapothecary . com
or leave comments below.
Correction Etienne / Essien is from Ghana and Eto O is from Cameroon. Cimarron and Maroon in Israelite History and Calabazon Calabah in Nigeria and Calabar in Jamaica. Simeon Also called Niger Acts 13v1 and Niggard terms used in Hebrew Bible
Essenes were one of the sects of Judeans at the time of Christ, see Qumram cave scrolls found
Accra is the capital of Ghana, AkRA, is one of the cities of Judea, Southern Kingdom
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2 days ago
I found this very interesting for one my last name is Hunter, and I moved to Jamaica about four years ago. My lineage is Hunter-Gathers I came about this information in researching my ancestors.
1 day ago