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America Is Not Babylon
I know racism in America is causing many of our people to believe that she is Mystery Babylon. But Join describes Babylon's destruction when he saw the seven angels pouring out the seven bowls of the plagues that come from God. All the plagues are directed at the people on this earth who has taken the mark of the beast. This is a world wide event that is not local to America. Therefore, America can't be Babylon since Babylon is being destroyed by these plagues which is described as God's wrath and you should know that the wrath of God happens on the Day of the Lord. Don't let your biases about white people cause you to slip into a deception. Racist, murders, thieves, adulterers, etc. will all have their time in Babylon's destruction because these are those who "walk in the flesh" and not in "the Spirit." You just need to make sure you are right with the MOST High.
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4 Tage vor
Shalawam, you are correct, America is not Babylon, she is a Daughter of Babylon. To those who insist on America being Babylon, I have a few questions for you. 1. When did Babylon cease to exist? 2. America was established on July 04, 1776, therefore are you saying that Babylon, which was prophesied about in the holy scriptures, had to wait until July 04, 1776, to be established? Babylon never ceased to exist, it is still in full effect. America came out of Britain, therefore, Britain is her mother. The fact that America has a mother, Britain, lets you know that America is a daughter, right? Hence, America is a Daughter of Babylon.
If you refer back to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The dream interpreted by Daniel expressly tells the story about Babylon from start to finish. America, is not one of the included nations (Dan 2:25-45). The Babylonian system of government is a satanic form of government, that was and still is ruling over the world. Babylon, is a worldwide legislative and religiously based government. All of the clues, that you spoke about, applies to Britain, as well. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that he was the head of gold on the statue that he dreamt about. The entire statue depicts Babylon (Babylonian Kingdom) in its entirety, It makes no difference which nations inherited the rulership (Medes) or overthrew the rulership of Babylon (Persia, Greece and Roman), it does not matter, what the names they eventually put on Babylon, (Median Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, or Roman Empire), it is still considered Babylon.
Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar about the silver chest, which represented the Medes and Persians take over, and rule of Babylon, A quick check of world history will verify the order and confirm what the holy scriptures indicated would occur and did occur. The stomach and thighs of brass, represented the rule of Greece under the rulership of Alexander the Great, and his early death, and the splitting up of Babylon into four parts, which were ruled by four generals of Alexander the Great after his death. The legs of iron, represented the taking over of Babylon from the Greeks by the Romans. The feet and ten toes of dirt and miry clay represents, and they are presently in place, the European Economic Union (see the Treaty of Rome) .
They are trying to reestablish the Holy Roman Empire, which was led by the Pope in later iterations of the Holy Roman Empire. Furthermore, they're waiting to replace Britain, a Protestant faith-based nation, who exited out of the EEC during Brexit, with a Catholic faith-based nation. Then there will be ten catholic faith-based nations, the ten toes, who are the Mystery Babylon spoken about in Revelation. During the 3 ½ year tribulation, Mystery Babylon will be governing the world until the descent of Yashuhua Hamasiach, who is represented as the rock not hewn by the hands of man, in Daniel’s revelation to Nebuchadnezzar, which strikes the ten toes (ten European Economic Union nations) and destroys their governmental rule over this earth, and Yashuhua Hamasiach, after taking down Babylon's rule, Yashuhua Hamashiach will set up his millennial rule or government, here on earth for one thousand years, and after that rule is complete, there will be the White Throne Judgement. Then, the Father’s Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, will descend from heaven and will be established here on earth forever.
4 Tage vor
4 Tage vor
It is amazing that many people believe that Rome is Babylon and yet that same lie was produced by the same white Christians that they do not trust, Past and Current. Laughable but concerning
5 Tage vor
Babylon is Rome, and her children and US is run by them EU, much of Latin America, Tel Aviv, etc