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As it was in Noah's days before the flood

59 Views • 03/19/21
42 Subscribers

The judge of all the earth- Yahuwah the Holy one of Israel at the appointed times visits the earth to inspect it and demand the fruits belonging to him from his vineyard. He demands these from the human cultivators He put in charge of ruling the earth. When He does not find it, He brings a great destruction to wipe out the wicked cultivators of his earth.
We are approaching again his time for his inspection of the earth in order to render judgment and set the matter straight as the owner of the earth. Yahushua his son has warned us that as it was in Noah's days, so shall it be in the day of the son of man, when he return to restore the kingdom of God on the earth.
This video presents the similarities between Noah's day and the present-day events. Let him who has the ear to listen listen.

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