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Listen up to Yahuwah’s declarations to all Israel's descendants
Listen up to Yahuwah’s declarations to all Israel's descendants ThomasYah23324 31 Views • 2 years ago

Listen up to Yahuwah’s declarations to all Israel's descendants.- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light Yahuwah's command to the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. Yahuwah our God want all Israel's descendant to listen, obey and follow his instructions and be saved. Why and how should all Israel's descendants pay attention? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that he was sent to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel(Mathew 15:24). However, we must listen and be obedient to Yahuwah our God if we must be saved. We must also keep praying and asking that His holy name Yahuwah be sanctified (Mathew 6:9-10)
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him, listen, and obey His commands with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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#hebrews #israelites #theawakening #Yahuwah #yahushua

Israel our God will magnify his holy name. "Let His name be sanctified"
Israel our God will magnify his holy name. "Let His name be sanctified" ThomasYah23324 29 Views • 2 years ago

Israel our God will magnify his holy name. "Let His name be sanctified".- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light Yahuwah's words to the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. This presentation is about what our God will do to magnify His holy name on all the earth. Why and where should all Israel's descendants pay attention? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that the name of our God will be sanctified, set above every other named god(s) in all the earth. We must also keep praying and asking that His holy name Yahuwah be sanctified (Mathew 6:9-10)
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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#hebrews #israelites #theawakening #Yahuwah #yahushua

How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way?
How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way? ThomasYah23324 32 Views • 2 years ago

How long until the disgusting thing is taken out of the way? - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light what is the disgusting thing that the prophet Daniel saw in the vision shown to him? Everyone from Israel's descendants has reasons to know about this disgusting thing and how long it will be in place before it is taken out of the way.
To the prophet Daniel it was revealed that after this disgusting thing; the holy place/land will be restored back to the holy ones -true Israel's descendants.
As we return to calling on the name of our God, His praises should also be in our mouths. We should keep in mind his appointed times and keep in expectation of Him.
True Israel's descendants must seek Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of becoming their disciples. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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#theawakening #theawakeningministries #hebrews #disgustingthing #israelites

Praise the name of Yahuwah our God
Praise the name of Yahuwah our God ThomasYah23324 40 Views • 2 years ago

Praise the name of Yahuwah our God - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light what it means to praise the name of Yahuwah and his son Yahushua the Christ. Everyone from Israel's descendants has reasons to praise the name of our God. If you are inclined, join me to praise the name of our God with these selected psalms.
As we return to calling on the name of our God, His praises should also be in our mouths. Praise Him for all his wonderful works for the descendants of Israel. Because of his loyal love for us, we have not come to our finish.
If you are a disciple of Yahuwah and his son Yahushua, join in praising our God for all his works.
But what does it take to be a disciple? What is a disciple? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that if his words/teachings remain in us, then we are his disciple. Likewise, if the words of our God remain in us and we observe his commandments, statutes, and decrees, then we are his disciples. Yahuwah our God wants His words hidden among his disciples.
True Israel's descendants must seek Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of becoming their disciples. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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#theawakening #theawakeningministries #hebrews #praiseandworship #israelites

Are you a disciple of Yahuwah the God of Israel and his son?
Are you a disciple of Yahuwah the God of Israel and his son? ThomasYah23324 48 Views • 2 years ago

Are you a disciple of Yahuwah the God of Israel and his son? - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light what it means to be a disciple of Yahuwah and his son Yahushua the Christ. Everyone from Israel's descendants is not a disciple. However, everyone can become a disciple of Yahuwah and his son. The Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel are invited to become a disciple of Yahuwah our God.
But what does it take to be a disciple? What is a disciple? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that if his words/teachings remain in us, then we are his disciple. Likewise, if the words of our God remain in us and we observe his commandments, statutes, and decrees, then we are his disciples. Yahuwah our God wants His words hidden among his disciples.
True Israel's descendants must seek Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of becoming their disciples. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Israelite awakening blasted to tens of millions in Congo Kinshasa | Africa is rising
Israelite awakening blasted to tens of millions in Congo Kinshasa | Africa is rising ThomasYah23324 93 Views • 2 years ago

The other Congo, Congo-Kinshasa, blasted the Israelite awakening on TV to a population of 100 million of people. A lot of Bantu/Negroes in Africa have now heard about their identity.

There will be a part two for this, which you DO NOT want to miss. There's a volcano in Central Africa that's getting ready to erupt.

The great awakening of the Bantu or Negro is finally happening, just like it is documented in Ezekiel 37. As we continue to educate ourselves and our people, we must restore the laws of our fathers. That's the foundation upon which we have to rebuild our nation.

The nations do not fear the names Congolese, Angolan, African American, Haitian, Jamaican, Bantu, Negro, etc. Those names came about as a result of the crafty counsel that the nations had taken against us to divide us and scatter us all over the world through colonization and slavery.

For the past decades, the world has been at rest when it comes to us Bantus or Negroes. They had nothing to worry about because we were lost, we had no real identity.

But all of that has suddenly and drastically changed in the last few years. The Bantu people or Negroes have finally found their footing! We now know who we are. We're standing up!

Our awakening is terrifying the world. Fear has fallen upon the nations. It's as if they never expected us to discover their plot, much less be able to overcome it.

The truth is out. The lion has awakened. We are the Israelites. The single deadliest and most powerful name, identity, nationality and heritage that has ever been bestowed on a race of people is ours: Israelite.

Jacob never loses. So let history repeat itself.

Bantu/Negro, your power lies in your heritage. Come back to the laws of your fathers; wisdom, knowledge and understanding are found therein.

It's time to rebuild our nation.

Check out our other videos: -- The nations fear the Bantu Israelites. -- Christianity is a terrorist organization -- The Congo area was called Land of the Jews in 1588 -- Slave ships from Juda brought Jews to Haiti -- The history books say that Jews are black. -- Jewish artifacts from Europe shows black men. -- The Khazars, white people, became Jewish. -- Edomites became Jewish by force. -- Rara Music: An Israelite Custom Among The Jews of Haiti.

Congo, Congolese, Kongo, Haiti, Haitians, Jamaicans, African Americans, American Blacks, Cameroon, Cameroun, Angola, Angolans, Gabon, Gabonese, Negroes, Bantu, Bantu people, Blacks, Black People, Black History, Judah, Kongo, Africa, Slavery.
Kingdom of Kongo, Kingdom of Judah, Black Jews, West Africa, Gold Coast, Dahomey Jews, Mavumbu Jews, Loango Jews, Jews of St Thomas, San Tomé Jews, Loanda Jews. Expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal. The colony of Saint-Domingue. South Africa, Apartheid, Zulu. Bantu Israelites. Hebrew Israelites.

All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

What spirit or teaching did you receive?
What spirit or teaching did you receive? ThomasYah23324 10 Views • 2 years ago

What spirit or teaching did you receive?- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light the warnings given by Yahushua the Christ to the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. We, the descendants of true Israel, must heed these warnings if we are to receive the spirit of truth that will set us free from our imposed punishment and our slavery to our enemies -the nations (Isaiah 14:1-3). Each individual must pay attention to the spirit; that is the teaching that we a have accepted and received. We must examine which Christ or Messiah we have accepted his teaching /spirit.
It is the spirit /teaching that will give us life or bring death to us. We, therefore, must pay attention to the teachings and the directions given to us by Yahushua the true Christ/ messiah.
We must turn around from following the false messiah -Jesus Christ and the false spirit /teaching that was given in his name to mislead many of Israel,s descendants.
Yahuwah the revealer of every secret and covered thing is now exposing the man of lawlessness and all his works.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word and there receive the spirit of truth.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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How Israel's descendants can receive the spirit of truth.
How Israel's descendants can receive the spirit of truth. ThomasYah23324 18 Views • 2 years ago

How Israel's descendants can receive the spirit of truth.- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light the directions and instructions given by Yahushua the Christ to the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. We, the descendants of true Israel, must follow these commands to receive the spirit of truth that will set us free from our imposed punishment and our slavery to our enemies -the nations (Isaiah 14:1-3). Why and how must all Israel's descendants pay attention? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that He -the one sent by Yahuwah our God is the light for the world. He is the one to give the spirit of truth to all Israel's descendants who will put faith in him as the scripture has said. We, therefore, must pay attention to his teachings and the directions He gave to us for receiving the spirit of truth.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word and there receive the spirit of truth.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees / the religious teachers and leaders.
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees / the religious teachers and leaders. ThomasYah23324 28 Views • 2 years ago

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees / the religious teachers and leaders.- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; Brings to light the warning given by Yahushua the Christ to the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. This warning is about what we the descendants of true Israel should continually watch out for from the false-religious teachers and leaders of this system of things. Why and where should all Israel's descendants pay attention? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that death is the consequence of not looking out and for being misled by these religious teachers and leaders. We must also look out for the corruption of our God's words from the governmental authorities.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will truly be shepherded and guided to the streams of living water -our God's word.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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How Israel is to observe The Passover evening feast of unleavened bread
How Israel is to observe The Passover evening feast of unleavened bread ThomasYah23324 47 Views • 2 years ago

How Israel is to observe The Passover evening feast of unleavened bread- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains how the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel are to observe and celebrate the Passover evening meal. Why, when, and where should all Israel's descendants celebrate the command to observe/ keep the Passover and the feast of the unleaved bread? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that he is the door, and the means for regathering Israel's scattered descendants and restoring us back to the kingdom promised territory for our 4th generation.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Then we will again celebrate correctly the Passover to Yahuwah our God.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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The house of God –his dwelling place
The house of God –his dwelling place ThomasYah23324 33 Views • 2 years ago

The house of God –his dwelling place - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains why the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel are the chosen dwelling place of the Living God. The Almighty God does not dwell in houses made with human hands. However, He chose to dwell in the hearts of his chosen ones of Israel.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time. Yahuwah declared that He will dwell among us, within our hearts, and be God to us and we will be His people.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro -Israel who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Israel! Remember God is with us
Israel! Remember God is with us ThomasYah23324 35 Views • 2 years ago

Israel! Remember God is with us - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains why the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel need to remember the promises of Yahuwah our almighty God. No matter what difficult situations we may go through in our punishment days among the nations, we must not forget that Yahuwah our God promised to be with us to deliver us and help us.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro -Israel who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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The seed of peace and the vine of the earth
The seed of peace and the vine of the earth ThomasYah23324 30 Views • 2 years ago

The seed of peace and the vine of the earth- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains the who is what? Who is the seed of peace and who is the vine of the earth? Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that by their fruit you will identify these men of the Bible. By the fruits that individual nations /peoples have produced you will identify if they sprung from God or from the devil.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His judgments?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Yahuwah is our God and King
Yahuwah is our God and King ThomasYah23324 39 Views • 2 years ago

Yahuwah is our God and king - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains why the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel have no King and God except Yahuwah our almighty God. Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that Israel's descendants have no anointed leader to gather and lead all Israel except Him. He is the one to sit on the throne of Yahuwah and rule over all of Israel on behalf of Yahuwah our God.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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True faith is not a possession/inheritance for all people
True faith is not a possession/inheritance for all people ThomasYah23324 61 Views • 2 years ago

True faith is not a possession/inheritance for all people. - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains the true meaning and reason of Paul's message at 2Thesalonica 3:2. The almighty God Chose the negros -Israel to bear his spirit and words in our mouth. Thus The Negro-Israel is to serve as priest/spokesman for Yahuwah the almighty God to the rest of the peoples of the earth.
Yahuwah declares His word to Jacob/Israel and Israel to make His decisions known to all the peoples of the nations of the earth.
Psalms 147:19-20 "He declares his word to Jacob, His regulations and judgments to Israel. 20 He has not done so with any other nation; They know nothing about his judgments. Praise Yah!
Yahuwah also chose the Negro -Israel to live in his holy mountains and serve Him there in the promised land for Abraham and his chosen negro descendants. Yahuwah protected and provided for his chosen people of Israel.
For this, the nations became jealous of Israel's inheritance and favor from the almighty God. They devised plans and stripped and took over the inheritances of the negro -Israel. All of these happened because of negro -Israel's error of leaving Yahuwah our God.
The nations scattered and subjected the negro -Israel to a servant /slave position in all corners of the earth. But the countries -(daughters of Babylon) do not know how this matter will end.
Because of this the apostle paul tells the invader nations that the true faith of Abraham is not the inheritance of all people but belongs to the ones our God has chosen of Israel's descendants.
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep of Israel
Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep of Israel ThomasYah23324 32 Views • 2 years ago

Yahushua the messiah is the door for the sheep- In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains how the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel will return to the Promised land and kingdom territory of our God. Yahushua the Christ clearly declared that he is the door, and the means for regathering Israel's scattered descendants and restoring them back to the kingdom promised to them by God.
True Israel's descendants must seek for Yahuwah our God and Yahushua the son that He sent for the purpose of regathering the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the appointed time.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Israel it’s Time,  Prepare to return to your God
Israel it’s Time, Prepare to return to your God ThomasYah23324 41 Views • 2 years ago

Israel it’s Time, Prepare to return to your God. - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains the appointed time for the chosen Israel's descendants -(The negros) to prepare to return to Yahuwah our God. The almighty God Chose the negros -Israel to bear his spirit and words in our mouth. Thus The Negro-Israel is to serve as priest/spokesman for Yahuwah the almighty God to the rest of the peoples of the earth.
Yahuwah scattered Abraham's chosen descendant- Israel away from the Promised land that He gave to them to inherit. He promised to return after Israel has completed bearing punishment for our errors.
The appointed time for scattered Israel's descendants to return back to the promised land is now approaching. All awakened chosen ones are being called upon to prepare to return and unite with our God.
The day of Jezreel or Yahsrael is fast approaching and it is going to be an exciting one.
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur and must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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Israel's descendants rich and comfortable in the lands of their captivity will not return to Ya
Israel's descendants rich and comfortable in the lands of their captivity will not return to Ya ThomasYah23324 28 Views • 2 years ago

Israel's descendants rich and comfortable in the lands of their captivity will not return to Yahuwah - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains Why many Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel will not seek and search to return to Yahuwah our God. The almighty God Chose the negros -Israel to bear his spirit and words in our mouth. Thus The Negro-Israel is to serve as priest/spokesman for Yahuwah the almighty God to the rest of the peoples of the earth.
However, the negro -true Israel wandered away from the almighty God that caused our existence as a nation. Yahuwah scattered his people to bear the punishment for our error. However, many of Israel's descendants have become rich and comfortable in the nations where they were scattered.
Such ones may find it impossible or not willing to return to their God and his kingdom at the appointed time.

This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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How to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God of Israel
How to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God of Israel ThomasYah23324 19 Views • 2 years ago

How to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God of Israel - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion"; explains how the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel will seek and search out Yahuwah our God. The almighty God Chose the negros -Israel to bear his spirit and words in our mouth. Thus The Negro-Israel is to serve as priest/spokesman for Yahuwah the almighty God to the rest of the peoples of the earth.
However, the negro -true Israel wandered away from the almighty God that caused our existence as a nation. For us to return back to our God, we must seek and search out for Yahuwah our God until He let us find Him and reunite with Him.
We must seek for Him from the things written by the prophets of Israel of old. It was foretold in Isaiah 10:20 that in the last days of our Scattering and punishment among the nations; the awakened ones from Israel's descendants will no longer trust the narrations of events by our slave masters. But we will trust in Yahuwah our God with faithfulness.
How does one come to seek and research out Yahuwah the almighty God? How can we come to trust in Him and His words with faithfulness?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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The appointed time for our God to hear our prayer for deliverance
The appointed time for our God to hear our prayer for deliverance ThomasYah23324 56 Views • 2 years ago

The appointed time for our God to hear our prayer for deliverance - In this video presentation, "The Light of Zion";
explains the appointed time when Yahuwah will answer the prayers for deliverance by the Hebrews -(The negros) descendants of the true Israel. The almighty God Chose the negros -Israel to bear his spirit and His word in our mouth. Yahuwah stated that He will not withhold punishment when it is due to those who hate Him.
Yahuwah has set an appointed time(s) when He will carryout every activity or event with regard to His chosen people from Israel's descendants
However, not all of Israel's descendants will choose to worship and serve the will of the almighty God of Israel. Yahuwah determines the appointed times or when to bring in punishment for the error of His chosen people and nation -Israel.
When and what are God's appointed time(s) regarding all Israel's descendants?
When will Yahuwah listen to the prayer for deliverance from the people of Israel?
This video presentation will help viewers to be aware of things that were written that must occur. It must be done before the kingdom of God is restored back to the Negro who is the true chosen one to inherit and serve Yahuwah the almighty God in the promised land. It also presented explanations to enable viewers to understand the applications of the things written in the bible.
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