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Bible Origins of Science Mathematics comes from the Patriarchs Hebrews Israelites Christians

93 Views • 03/07/21
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Bible origins of good science and mathematics vs devil science taught by fallen angels

⁣Abraham taught the Egyptians science and mathematics Chaldeans UR of the Chaldeans
Berosus celestial science vs sorcery astrology idolatry. Greeks and later Romans taught Hecateus

Nicolaus of Damascus wrote of Abram.

Hebrews colleges are high school Jamaica College, Knox, etc. Camperdown.

Port Antonio Primary. We learn Bible in school. Ghana girls win robotics competition.

Huldah the prophetess dwelt at the colledge in the Bible.
St. Hilda's High School in Jamaica named after her.

Books Scribe Publish Apothecary weights measures in the Bible

Egyptians didn't agree on anything.

Daniel skilled in the sciences Azariah, Mishael, Ananiah . Hebron Lot
Sailing Cartography Navigation Exploring Setting up righteous governments in the earth teaching the ways of Jehovah from the Patriarchs to now

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Into All Truth Live Light Well

Praise Yah for this! I may sample you in a vid if you don't mind, achoti. Todah, rabba!

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