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Black America: We're Changing our Minds

12 Views • 03/17/21
136 Subscribers

As a married mama of 8, I've broken every rule in the book when it comes to building a happy home. It wasn't until a few years back that an older, wiser wife showed me that marriage, like life, is all about: Perspective. Since that time, I did some serious soul-digging and changed my mind. Fast forward, my marriage has taken a 180 from bitter to MUCH better.

My new e-book, Girlfriend Mentality to Wife Reality, exposes the mental barriers many single women face which keep them bound to the cycles of broken relationships and the cycles that continue to fester into broken marriages.

A few months back, I released my e-book to a group of both single & married women. These women glowingly reported back that my book helped them to:

-Stop looking for Mr. Right in the wrong mental spaces.
-Weather the storms of life without drifting into bitterness.
-See their spouse as a person not a problem, who's possessed, or plagued. (I'm paraphrasing 😊)

After seeing how my book served these women, I decided to release it worldwide in hopes that many more women would experience the joy of the "oneness" factor and embrace a healthy marriage and home.

Girlfriend Mentality to Wife Reality, is a no nonsense, quick, easy read, jam-packed with 5 keys you need to build a healthy mind and marriage.

Perfect for:

-Girlfriends who want a real life look at what it takes to go from Wifey to Wife-to-be.

-Wives who are tired of unrealistic expectations, that trim the hedges instead of uprooting the weeds of marital destruction.

-Seasoned wives who want practical ways to share with their daughters what they really need to build a lasting, thriving mind and marriage.

Help get the word out about Girlfriend Mentality to Wife Reality by liking and sharing this post.

Cheers to a renewed mind and marriage because, Girlfriend, a good marriage truly is a terrible thing to waste. Thanks in advance for your support!

Download my new e-book here:

*******Follow me on Instagram @AshandaAtLarge************

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