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Black Ruddy skin of Negroes Hebrews Israelites Early Christians bushy locks wolly hair braids cultur
Black Ruddy skin colour of the Patriarchs Matriarchs ancient Hebrews Israelites Early Christians from the Bible , scripture and verse
Black Ruddy skin of Negroes Bible Hebrews Israelites Early Christians bushy locks wolly hair braids, full lips of the Shemites
Patriarchs Matriarchs
Authorized version of the Bible is the King James 1611 with Apocrypha
The word visage means face , when the Bible said visage blacker than coal
Example of face that gathers blackness see near eye
Sir Willard Wentworth White Classical Opera Singer example of face that gathers blackness
Holy Maroon Indigenous Indian warriors of Jamaica Holy Well, New Castle, Portland, Rio Grande Moore Town, Scots Hall, Charles Town etc
The Black Scots Irish Welch Jacobites descendants of King James etc in the West Americas
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