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Can a man make himself God's when they are not really his?

42 Views • 11/08/21
42 Subscribers

Our God's word shines as a light to show us where we are standing in the stream of time and how far more we are to travel to get to our future destination. It shines to bring to our mind the things our God is doing and to reveal and bring to light every hidden things of the past. As Yahushua, our leader said "for there is nothing covered over that will not be revealed at the end" -Luke 8:17.
Yes, even the hidden places and things of the man of lawlessness are being revealed and brought to light for all to see.
For centuries, the serpent the devil has hidden his work and the works of his children/offspring while misleading the entire inhabited earth. the works of the serpent are being revealed in all its hidden places.
That is why the prophet Jeremiah as the question "Can a man make himself God's when they are not really his?"
Watch and find out?

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3 years ago

Yes, This is really the truth that will set you free.

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