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Facts about **MARINE SPIRITS ** In the kingdom of darkness what are they and their mission is to d

3 Views • 0 Purchases • 01/22/25
Solo Minded Productions
Solo Minded Productions
6 Subscribers

⁣Facts about **MARINE SPIRITS **

In the kingdom of darkness what are they and their mission is to destroy the righteous of YaHUaH!

If you belong to the Marine Kingdom you need to repent and fully surrender your life to Yahusha to be delivered..

Fast and Pray against those demonic forces..

it’s Spiritual Warfare !

Eph 6:10-18 Put on The full armour of YaHUaH

Proverbs 28:10 Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

Underworld Marine Kingdom spiritual warfare

In Yahusha’s name I Bind, rebuke, loose and

Cast Out into the Abyss all and every Spirit from Marine Kingdom In Yahusha’s mighty name


Marine kingdom spirits, Mermaid, Queen Mermaid spirits, Octopus spirits, Squid Spirits, Jellyfish spirits, mermaid spirits, Underwater Monster spirits, Marine kingdom witchcraft spirits, Siren spirits, Marine demons, Incubus and Sucubus, Behemoth water spirits, Water spirits, Leviathan Pride spirit, Serpentine Snake spirits, Lilith, Delilah, Quayle serpent marine spirits, Dolphin spirits, Seahorse spirits, Abaddon, Apollion, Pan, Underwater Gin, Gog, Magog, Asterod, Semiramis, Underwater Nimrod, Zeus, Baal, Baalzebub, Sobek spirit, Kundalini Spirit, underwater Serpent Spirit, Underwater familiar spirits, Underwater Snake Spirits, Psidon spirit, Shape Shifter spirit, Rahab Serpent of the sea, Asmodeus Demon, Spiritual Wife, Spiritual Husband from the underwater marine kingdom, Marine Satanic Agent Demons, Marine of Satan, Astral protection spirits, Queen of the Coast, Bloodline curse spirits and Family curse spirits.

Behemoth, in the Old Testament, a powerful, grass-eating animal whose “bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron” (Job 40:18). Among various Jewish legends, one relates that the righteous will witness a spectacular battle between Behemoth and Leviathan in the messianic era and later feast upon their flesh.

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