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Garden Update (starting my Vegetables) part 2
Garden update from overwinter
 I am not a pro at gardening,It is something that I just enjoy doing and have been doing it all my life practically.
 I have a patio that is large for an apartment a patio. I have my garden and pots in containers. I also have a greenhouse that I start the plants with or grow out of season vegetables in the winter.
Most gardeners plant on Good Friday, I  started my plants on March 23   which was the first day of year, according to the Hebrew calendar,  and it was the new moon, which typically represents the sabbath day of rest. 
We are in a day that we must sustain ourselves and grow our own food. Even if you have one pot or a very small space, you can grow something to sustain yourself example in one pack or you can have a greens like maybe collard greens because they continually grow and grow, and.
Many things you can do with collards  you can powder them for smoothies or soups, and you can freeze them, but in this day, the best thing to do with your green leafy vegetables is to powder them so that you can use them you can help you can stored up really good and use them for many things.
 I pray that someone will be held by my video and begin to grow their garden. You can grow something in your apartment herbs, lettuce, green onions.
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