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Hebrews 2 Negroes Press Release - Please Share Video with as Many People as Possible. Thanks.

172 Visninger • 11/12/22
Benayah Israel
Benayah Israel
1,053 Abonnenter


I vehemently deny any allegations made by the Rolling Stones, the ADL, and media that the
Holocaust never happened and that my books and movies make that claim I respectfully request that everyone take the time to watch my films and read my books. You will discover that this claim is false and that my films do not promote terrorism, bigotry, antisemitism, or other hateful
ideologies. I reject and condemn any forms of prejudice or hatred towards any person regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, lineage, ancestry, or sex. As well as violence, racism, bullying,
discrimination, blackjewpbobia, and the misuse of the term "Anti-Semitism." The "African
Diaspora" that was sent to the Americas and the Caribbean via the Transatlantic Slave Trade are
"ethnically" the Israelites of the Bible, from the lineage of Shem. Therefore, myself or anyone
today who is a descendant of Shem's five sons cannot be "Anti-Semitic". As a ''Shemite", I am
against any form of Anti-Semitism/Anti-Shemitism in America or worldwide.

Racist scapegoating and non-conforming, as well as unfair tactics that hold communities of color
responsible for societal problems, must stop. Kyrie Irving shouldn't receive backlash on a film I
created. This is yet another example of a system that disregards and minimizes the lives of
people of color and shows how far from an equitable society we still are. It is our collective duty
to create a society where everyone has the same opportunities irrespective of their race, religion,
ethnicity or sex. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression should not be seen as an
"infringement", but unfortunately based on what we have seen lately in the news, this is a sad
reality in America. We definitely have more work to do to fix this.

I am dedicated to collaborating with all groups to make it possible for people from all
backgrounds to watch the documentary "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black An1crica", just as one might watch the 1977 "Roots TV Miniseries", which is shown annually every February during Black History Month. The Mass Media relies on promoting exclusivity, stoking fear and assigning blame to those that go against their narratives. Everyone should be free to approach their past without worrying that they will be singled out, vilified and bullied. I implore everyone to take the time to read my books, watch my movie documentaries, then "fact-check" everything so that we all can have a full understanding of the True history of Black people in the Diaspora, which is now being told from a ·'different perspective". Using the study of history, theology,
geography. cartography. biology. craniology, odontology, genetics, linguistics, archaeology,
anthropology, and more. I provide the evidence 10 substantiate that the inforn1ation in my visual
and literary work is indeed factual. Hopefully after all of this is done, we can begin to forge a
nation founded on our complete history.

I pray that we are able to continue to bring people together of all backgrounds to embrace
historical events and facts that are detrimental to the progression of our society as a whole.

Ronald Dalton Jr.
CEO, Hebrews to Negroes Films

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