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Jews of West Africa - Documentary
4,089 Lượt xem
• 12/29/20
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Benayah Israel
1,029 Người đăng ký
This is a rebroadcast of a previous documentary regarding the Jews of West Africa. Checkout this in-depth look at the Jews of West Africa. This video will prepare you for the upcoming Reclaiming the Thrones movie due out soon. Well, enjoy family and stay blessed Israel. Shalom!
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13 ngày trước kia
Great work Benayah... I would further urge you to research on the ties of the Ashanti's being the predominant number representing Hebrews in Ghana - it is not true.
It is the Ga and the Ewes.
Ashanti is a confederation of multiple tribes and NOT a single tribe - predominant tribe in the Ashanti Confederation is the Akan's who have for years practiced the matrilineal system as opposed to the Biblical patrilineal inheritance system Yahweh instituted for Israel. I believe their royal lineage prohibits circumcision vehemently as well.
Like I said, Ashanti is a Confederation of different tribes... perhaps the sub tribes could consist of true hebrews,
among them I suspect the Fante tribe.
BUT DON"T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT... PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH TO FIND OUT - I could be wrong because only YAHWEH knows were every true Israelite is.
3 tháng trước kia
Black Wealth is the Bible!
3 tháng trước kia
At this point there really is no excuse. Channels like this and so many others have done YAH’s will to get the information out! If you don’t know it’s your own fault!
3 năm trước kia
4 năm trước kia
All Praises To TMH Yah‼️‼️ Shalom..