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Moabites are not the Chinese or Japanese that is a lie! One West Camps are off. Japheth Edom Asians

34 Views • 03/20/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Who are the Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Hindus, Whytes,orCaucasian identifying people they have the black and white and yellow complexions? See Genesis 10 v 1-5 The Japhetites lived in the isles of the Gentiles. Japan is an island. like the isles of the Greco,Romans, in Europe and Asia Minor. While Moab was close to River Jordan,Nebo, etc at the time of and place where Abram orginated, which was nowhere near Asia Minor or Japan or Europe.

Smith Bible Dictionary: page 278 Japhet, (enlargment)
One of the three sons of Noah. The descendants of Japhied occupied the "isles of the Gentiles", Gen.10v:5 i.e. the coast lands of the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and Asia Minor - whence they spread northward over the whole continent of Europe and a considerable portion of Asia.

Asians. Asiatics. Are descended from Japhet.
Edras II
Japhet Edom

The Moabite Stone proving the existence of Moab, was discovered by Reverend F Klein in AD 1868 , Church of Missionary Society in Jerusalem. It was found at DHIBAN, The Biblical Dibon (Numbers 21, 30. Isaiah 15v2, etc. on the East of the JORDAN, in the ancient territory of the Moabites. The Moabites lived close to the Israelites and the Arabs.

Josephus Antiquties xii, 9 section 1

Reference : Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament by G. Rawlinson , Appendix Pg. 234-5
Mesha Am son of Chemosgad King of Moab

NOTE:. Moabites worshipped Chemosh not the same as Japan or Chinese who worship other idols.

The Mongolian features pale or yellow whyte skin straight hair, Native Americans share the same lineage as the Whyte Siberians, Asians, Ashkenazi

Asian Turks Japhet Edom



2 Esdras 15:46 And thou Asia that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person:

2 Esdras 16:1 Woe be vnto thee, Babylon and Asia, woe be vnto thee Egypt and Syria.

1 Maccabees 8:6 How also Antiochus the great king of Asia that came against them in battaile, hauing an hundred and twentie Elephants with horsemen and chariots, and a very great armie, was discomfited by them.

1 Maccabees 11:13 Then Ptolomee entred into Antioch, where he set two crownes vpō his head, the crowne of Asia, and of Egypt.

1 Maccabees 12:39 Now Tryphon went about to get the kingdome of Asia, and to kill Antiochus the king, that hee might set the crowne vpon his owne head.

1 Maccabees 13:32 And he raigned in his stead, and crowned himselfe king of Asia, and brought a great calamitie vpō the land.

2 Maccabees 3:3 Insomuch that Seleucus king of Asia, of his owne reuenues, bare all the costes belonging to the seruice of the sacrifices.

2 Maccabees 10:24 Now Timotheus whom the Iewes had ouercome before, when he had gathered a great multitude of forraine forces, and horses out of Asia not a few, came as though hee would take Iewrie by force of armes.

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