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Letter to my Children

237 Views • 01/19/25
Zayah Israel
Zayah Israel
6 Subscribers

Beat Prob by Jpbeatz

Message to my children Let this song remind you that you have the strength to overcome any challenge. Stand firm, fight for your worth, and trust that Yahuah will provide forever and always

1 Peter 2:9: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation

Isaiah 41:10: "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God."

Deuteronomy 7:6: "For you are a people holy to the Yahuah your Elohim. The Yahuah your Elohim has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."

Exodus 19:5: "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession."

Jeremiah 31:33: "I will be their Elohim and they will be my people

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