Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
Many So-Called "African Americans" Are Descendants Of Yoruba and Igbo Hebrews
Everything lines up perfectly! The "Africans" that went into slavery by way of ships as pointed out in The Book of Deuteronomy, were actually IGBO "JEWS" (Hebrews) and the "slaves sent out to North America, The Caribbean, West Indies, Brazil, etc...were also mostly IGBOs, THIS is where the Hebrew Blood comes from my people! That Haplogroup of E1B1A and all of its sub-groups is shared by majority of us, as most of us (Not All) are Hebrew By Blood.
#DrYehoshuaBenEphraim #E1B1A #HebrewIsraelites #E1B1A7A #TribeOfEphraim #Hebrew #Israelites #12TribeChart #BNaiEphraim #EmoYoQaim #LostTribesOfIsrael
#YorubaJews #IgboJews #CompleteHistoryE1B1A #HebrewIsraeliteHaploGroupNation #LostHebrewIsraelites #Deuteronomy28 #CursesOfIsrael #IsraelitesCursed #ByWayOfShips #E1B1AHolyHaplotype #JacobsTrouble #SeedOfJacob #NotTheNegroes #FromBabylonToTimbukTu
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