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Negro! Repent, turn around and live
Yahuwah the God of Israel keeps sending, again and again, his prophets to warn his chosen race and people of his decisions and judgments to come. In the last days of every era, He sends them with a message to warn his people to repent of theirs and their ancestor's ways, turn around and live.
Would you listen to the calls of the prophets to repent and turn around and return to calling on the name of Yahuwah of God and maker?
Prophet Hosea declared concerning our time when He cried out in advance.
“Come, and let us return to Yahuwah, For he has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us. He struck us, but he will bind our wounds. 2 He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him.
Those of Israel who heed this warning call will have their sins forgiven by Yahuwah and will escape the final judgment of extermination that is coming. Would you Negro, the chosen race listen?
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