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Pew First African Baptist Church Savanna GA built by Black Hebrew slaves writings George Leile went

88 Views • 03/09/21
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Defeating the lie of Urban Apologetics and others listed in Psalm 83 against the children of Isreal still teaching lies and propaganda in the earth today

L Le (NAME BEFORE Rome became Christian or before Islam was a doctrine )

Lleiver or Leufer Mawr from the British Hebrews
Source Book:
St Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury by Lionel Smithett , pg 18 . "The acceptance of Christianity by the British Nation under Good King Lucius (Lleiver or Lleufer Mawr) about A.D. 170"

⁣Pew First African Baptist Church Savanna GA built by Hebrew black slaves writings George Leile went to Jamaica


Part Twenty: African American Church in the Revolutionary Era, The African Americans Search for Truth and Knowledge, by Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Jr.

Davis, John W. (1918). "George Liele and Andrew Bryan, Pioneer Negro Baptist Preachers". Journal of Negro History. 3 (2): 119–127. doi:10.2307/2713485. JSTOR 2713485. S2CID 150092032.

Further reading
Davis, Robert S. "The Other Side of the Coin: Georgia Baptists Who Fought For the King." Viewpoints Georgia Baptist History 7 (1980): 47–58.
Hall, Billy (April 8, 2003) "George Liele: Should be a National Hero", Jamaican Gleaner. Archived from Wayback Machine
Shannon, David T., Julia F. White, Deborah B Van Broekhoven. 2013. George Liele's Legacy: An Unsung Hero. Mercer University Press. ISBN 978-0881463897
Morrison, Doreen. 2014. Slavery's Heroes: George Liele and the Ethiopian Baptists of Jamaica 1783–1865. CreateSpace. ISBN 978-1500657574
External links
"George Liele", Africans in America, PBS
"George Liele : America's First Missionary"
Sermon, MP3 Audio Podcast: The
Cross and Faithful Ministry As Seen In The Pastoral and Missionary
Ministry of George Leile: First Baptist Missionary To The Nations –
Galatians 6:11–18, 24 Aug 2010, Daniel L. Akin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

First African Baptist and the Jews from Europe many went to the West Indies

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