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Shalom In the Midst of Turbulence: Shabbat Reflection

69 Views • 02/25/22
Sis Cee Cee
Sis Cee Cee
44 Subscribers

Despite what seems like a mountain our faith should dictate and know the mountain is a pebble. Its getting close fam. Use the below scrips as additional meditation to chew on.
Luke 6: 27-48
Ephesians 6:11-17
Prov 23:19
Eccle 12: 13-14
Prov 16:7
Lev 23-Yah's Feast Days-holy days
Lev 11 -dietary laws
Job 1:10
John 15: 16
Ephe 2: 8
Psalm 111:10
Psalm 119:133
Psalm 119: 132

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