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What is CERN_ Part 1
• 11/27/20
Elephant Man Podcast
57 Subscribers
Many people ask what is Cern? what does it stand for? what are they planning to accomplish?
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4 years ago
This makes a lot of sense!
4 years ago
Therefore could the vaccine be antimatter.
4 years ago
They want to create a world of Robots and they need humans or at least their organs to make these robotoids to replace humans. Just a thought, why else would they want EVERYONE to take the vaccine and/or why else would they try to encourage people to donate their organs when deceased and you have to "opt out" by signing a piece of paper rather than "opting in" and if you do nothing then they WILL take your organs. What a wicked satanic bunch of freaks we live under.
4 years ago
Very interesting, thank you! I believe these scientists are trying to open the realm where the OLD ONES were banished to. The Old Ones were the giants from Genesis 6. After TMH made them watch their children destroyed, He banished them. Today these Satanic scientists want to revive them and bring those spirits back onto the earth, which is also why we have so much money being thrown at AI, because they will need bodies to continue to exist on the earth.