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Why Sodomy Whoredom Transex is an archaic abomination to majority of Negroes and black countries

69 مناظر • 02/02/21
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem
73 سبسکرائبرز

Archaic practices and Lifestyles that lead to negative birthrates that can wipe out nations in one generation

Europa the last Battle Documentary ⁣https://www.****

SodomGomorrahEgyptCanaanBabylonRomeBlack Negroe AmericaLesbiaWhite countries with declining or negative birth ratesWhat abominations destroyed ancient societies so the current nations can learn from those mistakes

The sodomite, lesbian, transexual agenda against the Bible, Jehovah created marriage between a man and woman for the purpose of bringing forth children

DC Sniper and Sodomy ⁣

Abominable foods, animals, sex acts that lead to destruction. Blood. Wet markets bush meat

Buggery promoters and their nations will continue to perish unless they repent

Dem Bow Shabba RanksUnclean sex acts

Court Strikes down LGBT Counseling Therapist Ban

The Sodomites ruling the Edomite countries go around the world imposing their abominations even in pro Bible family countries where Buggery, Sodomy, Lesbianism is illegal


Caucasian Roman Edomite Greek countries promote LGBT and force it on black countries who are resisting
⁣Here are some key facts about the legal recognition of same-sex couples around the world:
- Same-sex marriage is legal in 28 countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Uruguay and the United States.
- A total of 34 countries recognise some form of civil partnership for same-sex couples.
- Gay marriage is hotly contested by many religious groups. Pope Francis said same-sex couples should be protected by civil union laws in a film released in October 2020, but the Vatican ruled in March that priests are not permitted to bless these unions.
- Almost a third of adults globally think people of the same sex should be allowed to marry, a survey by global LGBT+ advocacy group ILGA and research firm RIWI of almost 100,000 people in 65 countries found in 2016.
- Switzerland's parliament voted to legalise same-sex weddings in Dec. 2020, but anti-gay marriage campaigners are gathering signatures to put the issue to a national referendum this year before the law takes effect.
- In July 2020, Montenegro became the first European country outside of Western Europe and the European Union to legalise same-sex civil partnerships.
- Costa Rica marked a first in Central America by giving the go-ahead to same-sex marriages in May 2020, when a landmark constitutional court ruling came into effect.
- Northern Ireland became the last part of the United Kingdom to introduce equal marriage rights in February 2020.
- Taiwan was the first place in Asia to allow gay marriages in 2019.
In Africa, where same-sex sexual relations are a crime in many countries and can lead to imprisonment or the death penalty, only South Africa allows same-sex marriage.
Sources: ILGA State-Sponsored Homophobia report, Pew Research Centre, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Reuters
Related stories:
Barbados pledges same-sex marriage vote, but supporters doubt reform
FACTBOX-Eight legal hotspots for global LGBT+ rights in 2020
FACTBOX - Legal hurdles faced by LGBT+ people in Africa
(Reporting by Rachel Savage @rachelmsavage; Editing by Helen Popper and Hugo Greenhalgh. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers the lives of people around the world who struggle to live freely or fairly. Visit

Bidens Queer Military by Brother Nathanael

Oct. 8. 2023 A.D

10-2023 A.D.

Sodomy laws in Jamaica stand , the nations who practice Sodomy are self destructing

DIE Laziness, hiring people and paying them for degeneracy Diversity Inclusing Equity a Sodom agenda, USAID , NGOs, UN, WHO, exporting the nation ending practices worldwide

⁣Ezekiel 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquitie of thy sister Sodom; Pride, fulnesse of bread, and aboundance of idlenesse was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poore and needy.

Sodomy in Jamaica who is doing it and promoting it ⁣

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