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This video is a continuation of "Not Aaron's Priest: Cohen Modal Haplotype is Rigged ." I will look at the Cohen Modal Haplotype and give my thoughts. Also, I will show why I think the ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy) use's the newer Haplogroup Nomenclature instead of the older formats.
In this video I talk about the details of the event that led Samaritan individuals to believe that they are levitical priest who are genetically connected to Aaron. I also show you the truth that they left in plan sight but shrouded by the so called CMH (Cohen Modal Haplotype) nonsense. Then we dig in some of the genetic details of the STR (Short Tandem Repeat) markers that will always be found in low frequencies in the Lemba or anyone who have evidence of admixture with J-P58 Haplogroup. This is part one because the video was over 2 hours long. Part two will follow.
I know racism in America is causing many of our people to believe that she is Mystery Babylon. But Join describes Babylon's destruction when he saw the seven angels pouring out the seven bowls of the plagues that come from God. All the plagues are directed at the people on this earth who has taken the mark of the beast. This is a world wide event that is not local to America. Therefore, America can't be Babylon since Babylon is being destroyed by these plagues which is described as God's wrath and you should know that the wrath of God happens on the Day of the Lord. Don't let your biases about white people cause you to slip into a deception. Racist, murders, thieves, adulterers, etc. will all have their time in Babylon's destruction because these are those who "walk in the flesh" and not in "the Spirit." You just need to make sure you are right with the MOST High.
In one study, they craftly State that the Natufian DNA aren't found in African populations yet do not show specific groups in those populations that have tested. Yoruba has many people groups within that geographical location who use the same title but are not genetically the same people. So how they word things becomes a red flag begging the question, "What are you trying to hide?" I show you this in this video.
My DNA from 23&Me, which they are trying to bankrupt and get rid off—see article online—and my 23&Me DNA profile that was uploaded to
This brief video reveals the silent plan to remove the so-called Cohen Modal Haplotype (J-P58 or J1a2a-) from the Lemba by introducing the Extended Cohen Modal Haplotype. I will eventually show that all of this was planned action that began when they started DNA test in the Lemba in the 1980s and then again in the early 2000s. The Extended CMH was created in 2008-2009 and interesting things began to shape and change on the ISOGG Y-Chromosome E-Haplogroup tree. Stay turned!
In this video, I share some studies that I have been researching with the intent to show my DNA results from Ancient Samples that match my 23&Me DNA information. In the process, I realized that a study that I had in my possession for some time shows that Haplogroup E3b1 (currently E1B1) and E3b1a (currently E1b1a) was discovered in two geographical directions, Through the Levantine Corridor and North Western Africa. This paper not only suggest the existence of African American DNA (E1b1a) in the Levant but also reveals what appears to be a more sinister event that has to do, possibly, with the Jewish authorities, some Geneticist, and ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy) mapping. I am working on a video in response to this discovery that I believe proves that these authorities planned a great switch by applying secondary haplogroup nominclatures to change the narriative and make it look like they are the seed of Abraham and I believe TMH has shown me why the ISOGG introduced secondary haplogroup nominclatures, such as what you would find in 23&Me results. Example, E-Z5994 which is E1b1a1b—my haplogroup assigned nominclature. This video is the beginning of that realization.
channe introductio
If you want to understand the imagery in the Bible, you MUST understand the religion of ancient Egyptian mythology. This video reveals the meaning and significance of the Egyptian Ankh. A symbolic image that the Coptic Christian compared to the cross of Jesus Christ in Christianity. The Ankh is directly tied to the Egyptian god Ra and Hathor. I also show my respect to “the King’s monologue” for his research on the topic of the Ankh drawing it origin from the Ankole in Africa. It has opened my eyes and revealed the missing piece of information for me to understand what lies hidden behind Genesis 2:7.
For centuries, Archeologist have speculated on the meanings of Egyptian Imagery. One particular image that is carved into the Ancient Egyptian walls of Hieroglyphs—The Ankh—has been thought to be the Egyptian cross. Christians have also speculated that this was a copy image of the cross of Christ. Both parties were wrong. For the first time ever we now understand where the imagery of the Ankh comes from and at the end I point to the place where God used Moses to Mock this belief about the Egytpian Ankh. I want you to also keep in mind the activity of the sons of Jacob when Moses went up the mountain to get the stone tablets from God. Enjoy!
If you are going to "see" the "Light" that is hidden in the scriptures, the veil has to be miraclously removed from the "eyes" of your mind.
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This video goes into a little more detail about the curse of Jeconiah and why Joseph, a seed of Jeconiah, could not inherit the Throne of David. So who did?
In this video, I point out somethings about the Geneolgy list in Matthew and Luke. Short video more information to come.