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Lies all around. Dogs vaccine. They never heard of coronavirus and no vaccine was ever
developed for it lies. Remember they said coronavirus was new? then
Covid 19?
They said no vaccines were ever developed for coronavirus. They said not treatments or cures were ever developed for coronavirus and no treatment was available, that time they were banning all natural cures for coronaviruses before it came to America from China. The videos I put out on how to prevent treat the virus were all taken down. The same remedy that has 100% recovery rate that people I know had the virus took and are fully recovered. All praises to the Most High Yah.
They wanted people to die. Liberals run the media, and they are a propaganda machine with deadly consequences.

The Come Up - YouTube
Hello, in this video I share how I became a software engineer without a Computer Science degree or attending a Bootcamp.
Here are some resources I used in my journey:
Most Important Resource: https://www.recurse.com/
Programming Resources
Head First Java
Learning Python O’Reilly 5th ed
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
UC Berkeley Data Structures Course (https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61b/fa19/)
Algorithms 4th ed Sedgwick
The Algorithm Design Manual by Skiena
Interview Resources
Cracking The Coding Interview
Elements Of Programming Interview
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bukola.dev/
Music: Summer Youtube Music
Desk Equipment
Filming Equipment
DM me on Instagram!
0:00 - Intro
1:00 - My Job Before Becoming A Software Engineer
4:54 - Why I Chose Not To Do a Bootcamp or get a CS degree
5:40 - Recurse Center (free educational retreat)
6:50 - How I Studied Before Quitting My Job
7:38 - How I Studied After Quitting My Job
9:04 - My Interview Experience
10:11 - Interview Resources I Found Helpful
#blackengineer #softwareengineer

Shalom Family,
The Most High YAH continues to reveal more and more of who we are as a people everyday. Before, it was Spain and Portugal. Then we discovered the nobles of the family of King David were taken into the Transatlantic Slave Trade....and now, another shocking truth has been revealed to the world. Today we learn...using old books... who the original members and pastor or The First African Baptist Church... say they are. In other words, we will read the descriptive name used for their pastor and members. YAH willing, this will change your minds to who you truly are and where you come from. Well family, check out this shocking truth and become who our Heavenly Father called you to be from the foundations of the Earth. HalleluYAH! ...and Shalom!
Checkout Pastor Kelly Richardson's Video on the First African Baptist Church Here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXfI0AEM3Jw