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Dogs vaccine. They never heard of coronavirus and no vaccine was ever developed for it lies. Rememb

129 Views • 04/02/21
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Lies all around. ⁣Dogs vaccine. They never heard of coronavirus and no vaccine was ever
developed for it lies. Remember they said coronavirus was new? then
Covid 19?

They said no vaccines were ever developed for coronavirus. They said not treatments or cures were ever developed for coronavirus and no treatment was available, that time they were banning all natural cures for coronaviruses before it came to America from China. The videos I put out on how to prevent treat the virus were all taken down. The same remedy that has 100% recovery rate that people I know had the virus took and are fully recovered. All praises to the Most High Yah.

They wanted people to die. Liberals run the media, and they are a propaganda machine with deadly consequences.

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