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Prepping 101 | Food Storage
Prepping 101 | Food Storage BrandonClay 49 Views • 3 years ago

Lets talk food storage family!

Mechanical Designing in Creo: 2 - The Basics of how to navigate the software
Mechanical Designing in Creo: 2 - The Basics of how to navigate the software CMNTutoring 35 Views • 3 years ago

In this video I discuss the basics of navigating Creo. If you need help drop a comment.

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Why Learn CAD anyway?
Why Learn CAD anyway? CMNTutoring 67 Views • 3 years ago

⁣For every product that you possess, somebody had to create it, and CAD most likely facilitated it. CAD Computer-Aided Design is a tool that engineers, designers, and innovators use to express their ideas for products. They use this tool to take concepts that they have from their mind into reality, and now you will too.

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