
Shalom Fam... tonight we are installing our new long awaited Livestream System. Please note that during this time some uploads may be affected. We will do our best to minimize disruption.

⁣Whose Benefiting From The Narrative That You Are Presenting?

Robert Holloway




Fauci email IS REAL... I did a FACT CHECK... ITS REAL!

Duane Harris




⁣Please visit the blog😄: ⁣⁣
⁣The Book of Daniel outlines detailed historical events from Cyrus and Alexander the Great to the mass exodus of Black people fleeing high taxes and slavery in the Middle East into Bilad Al Sudan. As written in Revelations 12:7 and Daniel 12:1, At the rise of the Archangel Michael, the Arab Slave trade began shortly after, for 1335 Ancient years (Daniel 12:12).

The book of Daniel tells us that 4 kingdoms will come. They are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Daniell 11 describes the key events that led to the rise of these kingdoms, beginning with Cyrus the Great of Persia. Many have mistaken Daniel 11:36-45 for the antichrist. Here, we will solve the mystery by proving it is Rome. Daniel 12 then goes on to talk about the rise of Islam and dates the Dome of the Rock.





⁣Addiction held her captive, but then everything changed… click on the link below to listen to the full testimony and see how the power of the Most High Yah moved in this sister's life.

Full Video here -

You can also find me on YouTube—@Amanah BaYah—should you want to watch this video and many others. Please support me by subscribing to be notified when I post other testimonies and witnesses of our Almighty YAH's righteous acts upon many lives.

Amanah BaYah




Flew all night long just to walk thru the door in time for breakfast and “daddy curls” at 7am 😂💪🏾👧🏽 Been working all night zombie hours 🧟‍♂️⏰ for weeks with little sleep, but man I walk thru that door and these little tornados instantly give me fuel. That’s the power (and mana) of our babies. Enjoy your weekend, my friends.

Duane Harris




⁣Amos and his Message to the Israelites is a powerful call to
repentance, justice, and genuine worship. His words continue to resonate
as a timeless reminder of the most high's expectations for His people
and the consequences of ignoring them. Amidst the warnings of judgment,
Amos offered hope for a future restoration. He prophesied that a remnant
would be preserved and that Yahuah would ultimately restore His people
and rebuild their nation .

SoMuch Media