Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
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Many school districts have been paid to enforce their face mask rules. This parent is exposing it!
To learn more about harmful long-term exposure to face mask, please use link below:👍

There are leaked documents (supposedly viewed by our governement) that discuss the final phases of impending lockdowns to be enforced on a global basis. It has already begun in a few countries and the documents imply their intent to coherece lockdowns worldwide. As always, pray about it and share this information with as many people that will listen.
The link below will allow you to download a PDF version of the leaked documents for your review.

This video highlights the coming changes that will surely take place within some of the vaccinated people. As a matter of fact, on October 12, 2020, YAHUAH gave me a heading or title of what is coming. He called it "Changed. The Coming Xeno".
Please remember to Watch....Share...Prepare!
WARNING! The 2 magnet videos below include FOUL language. Viewer discretion is advised:

The doctors within this video discusses the harmful or deadly side affects of the Covid-19 Inejctions as a type of bioweapon.
If you want to learn more about why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick, click links below:

This video is an easy-to-understand explanation that clearly demonstrates how the Covid19 Vaccination negatively impacts or destroys the human immune system over time.
Below is a link to additional supporting documentation (Covid-19 injections are spreading new “variants” of coronavirus):

MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists- discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins(Natural News) There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe.So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology.”Previously unknown cancer driving messengers are hiding in RNA, not DNAThis mind-blowing discovery should be published on every medical news site, newspaper, television news broadcast and on the CDC website, but unless you are reading this article and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you probably wouldn’t ever see it. That’s because Google is in on the fix, with Big Pharma and the VIC – the vaccine industrial complex. So here’s a more in-depth explanation of what we’re looking at, for real, regarding mRNA and vaccines.The information carrying molecule, messenger RNA, can instruct human cells ultimately in the same way as cancer drivers, playing a major role in causing cancer to thrive while inactivating natural tumor-suppressing proteins the human body creates to save you from cancer. This is the complete opposite of what the CDC and the vaccine manufactures are telling everyone right now about the Covid vaccines, and this is based on clinical research by molecular biologists at the Sloan Kettering Institute.Even sequencing the DNA in cancer cells doesn’t reveal these changes, that’s how sneaky the vaccines are. It’s like a Trojan horse that tells your cells to allow these changes to be made, as if they were safe, but they’re not. All assumptions being made about mRNA being ‘safe’ right now have been completely turned 180 degrees with this research. Consider this very carefully if you have not yet been vaccinated with mRNA technology, and you may want to ‘lawyer-up’ if you already got the jabs.After your Covid vaccination, RNA is transported out of your cell’s nucleus, and will no longer function properly as a cancer tumor suppressorBill Gates and the Vaccine Industrial Complex are very sinister, as we all know, but to create vaccines that truncate (disable by cutting short) cancer tumor suppressors, and destroy the human body’s ability to protect against cancer, well, that’s just complete insanity. Truncated tumor-suppressor proteins are similar to the DNA mutations that cause cancer cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably. Will America see cancer cases skyrocket over the next few years due to Covid vaccines? Only time will tell, but right now, science is revealing that it’s likely. Pay close attention.Therefore, anyone who is scared to death of the Covid vaccines is pro-science rather than anti-science, because the science shows the mRNA technology is very dangerous, especially concerning proteins that fuel cancer tumors. Let’s say that again: Science shows mRNA technology can fuel cancer tumor growth.Substantial amount of people with blood cancer have the SAME inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA levelScientists also discovered that a substantial amount of people with blood cancer, a.k.a. chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), have the same exact inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level. In fact, the mRNA changes they detected could possibly account for the missing DNA mutations, and that spells out bad news for everyone who thinks the Covid vaccine series is “safe and effective.” It’s effective alright, at suppressing anti-cancer proteins, one might more

We are at war!
There is an onslaught of purposeful misinformation regarding the supposed safety, supposed harmlessness and supposed beneficial, Covid-19 Vaccination. This war is intensifying because the kingdom of darkness have recruited well-known ministries to assist them in the battle to destroy millions of souls via the "Jab". Also they have called for re-enforcements by soliciting major drugstores like Walgreens and CVS to provide the "jab" to all willing participants.
Therefore, this video serves as a countermeasure to offset their upscaling warfare. The link below will provide sufficient information (ammo) to destroy their outright lies and half-truths!

The video shares the horrible experience of a woman after she received the Covid-19 Vaccination.
Also, there are THOUSANDS of people being damaged by the Covid-19 Vaccination. To view the other video and documents, please visit the link below: