Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
People & Blogs

Dr Eric Croomer Dominion video proof of machine vulnerabilities.
Democracy fails
Why Israelites must be governed by people of their own tribe and bloodline.
The customs of the heathen are destroying our people
slave holders.slave owners democracy

GPS failed prophesy fulfilled and fulfilling in earth today
2017 Prophesy of something coming to GPS Navigation Satellite directions, one week after posting it on Facebook, my GPS failed, resulting in my arrest, my car impounded, court trying to force vaccine on me , refused me seeing the judge, and also threatening me with lockdown, $300+ to retrieve my car for 1 day storage fee, the judge also had received my letter that I was going out of the country and to reschedule the court date. This happened in Atlanta, same place as the massive election fraud. Prior to Trump being the US President, I was also a victim of insurance fraud, unemployment benefits fraud, disability benefit fraud, social security benefits fraud, mortgage fraud, identity theft, majority of which happened in Atlanta or under Democrats Obama, Harris , Biden or other corrupt run cities. There is no justice in the courts, there is no relief from any aspect of business, government, etc. That was years ago. I am tired of being a victim.
HItler is of Ashkenazi bloodline, and the NAZI tactics are being used to bring the Bible based countries into destruction . Many Nazis fled to the Americas. Many of their deeds are the same and bear bad fruit.
The NAZis many of their descendendants came to the Americas, the Jesuits Romans, Esaus bloodline their deeds are the same in the earth whereever they go.
They band together to crush whoever they want to crush, see the book the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Destruction of the Indies by Bartholomew de las Casas. Muslims want Caliphate, and all target Christendom and the lands inhabited by the children of Israel. See Psalm 83 Coalition.
Ezekiel 38 says we are to warn our people.
After Trump won the real people votes by a landside on Nov 3, 2020,
GLOBALISTS, BIG TECH, BIG MONEY, BIG MEDIA SELECTED BIDEN AP , CNN, etc, that is why they were insisting during the Trump debates for Trump to not announce he won the election on Nov 3, 2020 as they were going to need to use absentee ballots, stuffed or "scanned multiple times ballots", collusion to get Biden in White House by any means necessary over the days, months and weeks to come. We see no huge crowds as it is a Biden selection. We see troops like crazy in DC, it means it is a regime like in dicatorships when they get installed into unelected positions. DC is empty at what is supposed to be a historic celebration; , the Biden press briefings are empty chairs, the people know they have been robbed, Trump knows he won and he has been robbed.
Antifa is still burning the country down, they have not stopped for months! They are Democrat Anarchists. BLM too, are used by Democrats to usher in communism. Communists hate the Bible and Jesus CHrist of Nazareth. Conservatives love Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Breaking news US Capitol Uncle Danny being set up read between the codes. Inside job. A n t I f a
•Jan 7, 2021
Google Maps Apple Wont Give Directions to DC
Worldwide collusion Japhet and Liberals
Genesis 10 v 1-6 Japhet Grandson Ashkenaz
Psalm 83 Coailition
GPS and Satellite control used as a weapon, against Trump rally goers on their way to DC their maps were jammed, by Apple, Google, etc their cell signals did not work. That was Monday an Tues prior to the Trump speech. Look at the same Tech companies who donated to the Biden "installation" ceremony, are the same people who worked against Trump supporters, and their own paying customers. Many have cancelled their Amazon subscriptions and are moving to alternative banks, payment systems, websites, platforms . When we told people we were being censored and our Jehovah given rights to speak, were being taken away , no one cared, as it did not happen to them YET!
Obadiah 1
Democracy is a Greek form of Goverment
Election violence worldwide
Anarchy immediately
Internet of Bodies, Cyborgs etc Mrna "vaccines" Nano Technology
Facebook pursuing foreclosures , people of colour areas
GPS Sonic Attacks

The Black Israelites ruled the earth worldwide, including the British Empire before the Edomites came to power in Europe and the Americas. The Royal children of Jehovah, many were exiled or travelled the earth to preach the gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ Kingdom and to set up Christ's government all over the earth.
Kamala Harris family list of black Irish and Negroe Slaves owned
Negroeland Explorers and the King James black Britons explorers worldwide King James black descendants, slavery was not legal in the 13 US colonies
Why Black people were called White Racial Classification
George Bongo for example was a Black American Indian who was called White
BLACK People From SCOTLAND That Were DEPORTED or Migrated To North America and The Caribbean
Neophite Dag

The 7:14 Movement is back again! This time for the ladies. Join us tonight 9:30est on Ashanda At Large YT Live for an explosive prayer rally for the daughters of the King. We are More Precious Than Rubies, let's get back to our royal roots. #714movement #ashandaatlarge

Electrical Technician - I Am Market Place
Leighton Smith Contact: 1-876-295-9456
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

Tailor Mandeville Market - Host David Kenyatta
Tailor/Fabian: 1-876-385-0491
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

Testimonial - Kenisha - I Am Heath Corner
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

Testimonial - Thea - I Am Heath Corner
Shop 6&7 (2nd floor) Caledonia Mall Complex,
Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. W.I.
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210
Produced by I Am Market Place

Santa Cruz Market - I Am Market Place - Host: David Kenyatta Israel
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

Testimonial - Thea - I Am Heath Corner
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

Testimonial - Errol Shae - I Am Heath Corner
Produced by I Am Market Place
Phone/whatsapp: 1-876-355-0210

from seunokimi
What's actually happening on the African continent. The truth about the use of relaxers in Nigeria. Let's talk about it
My instagram: @seunokimi
In the documentary, I explore the truth about the use of relaxers in Nigeria. With all the talk about Natural hair going on now among the diaspora, a lot of people don’t know that the use of relaxers in African countries is actually very prominent and that similar natural hair “movements” have started taking root I African countries as well, but for reasons many Americans may not expect. In telling the the history of black hair in Africa and story of relaxers in Nigeria, my goal is to also tell a story of Nigerian women as a whole, bringing light to Nigerian culture and ways. Africa has a lot of under-told stories, and the story of hair, and especially as it relates to the natural hair movement happening in America right now is one of them. I talk about African hair culture and the natural vs. relaxed hair debate that is happening in Nigeria. By going through African hair history through the stories of my grandmother and others in the video, the documentary walks you through things like traditional Nigerian hairstyles, some history of braids in Africa, ancient African hair care, African hair styles, and traditional African braids, down to modern day practices of how hair is currently done in Nigeria. The video goes through the history of black hair in Africa, African cosmetology history, and how it relates to African American hair history, facts, the history of black hair discrimination, and black hair and cultural identity. It also goes through things such as an examination of what is "good" hair in the black community from the African perspective, the importance of hair in different cultures such as the Nigerian culture, black hair story, black hair salon culture and braiding culture in Nigeria, and some of the politics or lack of politics surrounding black women's hair in Nigeria. By showing the history of relaxers, the evolution of black hair in Nigeria, and African hair culture, this documentary explores the truth about what is actually happening with hair in African countries such as Nigeria and why.
My instagram:
**serious business inquiries only**