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$1 homes, black children being murdered in St Louis all Negroes on deck action now Jamaica $4000 PCI

62 Views • 05/22/21
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

⁣$1 homes, black children being murdered in St Louis all Negroes on deck action now
Jamaica has on average a $4000 Per Capita Income in US it achieves world class results , miracles, signs and wonders, Jehovah is a miracle working GOD

Poverty is not an excuse for crime, some of the poorest countries have the lowest crime rates
Black on black crime is taking its toll on many communities, we must repent of this wickedness
Exodus 20 follow the commandments

⁣Free House Free land cash up to more than $25000 to move to US and European cities

Hebrews can band together to purhase or take over a whole blighted community or city an rebuild from scratch to make it liveable again
⁣Pros and cons of buying $1 Detroit homes,

⁣West Virginia is paying people to move there.

Do these ... Virginia is the latest place to offer a relocation incentive to remote workers: $10,000, parceled out in monthly grants, for your first year in Morgantown, with a $2,000 bonus to settle in for...West Virginia will pay remote workers $12K to move to state
West Virginia - Pack your bags: A program in West Virginia announced it will pay remote workers $12,000 to move to the Mountain State. The new initiative, launched by Ascend West Virginia, will pay...

⁣Forsaken Detroit homes for sale for as little as $1 - New ...
Detroit's real estate market is in dismal shape, and some properties, like this 2,248 square-foot home, are on sale for $1.

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1 Comments sort Sort By
Duane Harris
Duane Harris
4 years ago

What happened to the video… it cut off while you were still talking? Can we see the rest? Part 2

LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Sorry about, that, I do not know why, or where the part 2 is as yet; , I am still trying to get the videos sorted out from what I was able to rescue from Youtube.

Duane Harris
Duane Harris
4 years ago

@LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem: okay… I will be on a look out for part 2

LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

@Duane Harris: Greetings, you can send this out for people who certify each year, today is deadline they can get CPR certified for free FREE CPR CERTIFICATION TODAY IS THE DEADLINE Online CPR, First Aid & AED Course & Certification Certify for only $59 FREE Use Coupon Code dfcpr0321 No catch! Offer Expires end of 05/2021 Get CPR Certified For FREE Complete a free certification course on our partner site

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