Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
1,188 विचारों
• 03/20/25
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सबसे ऊपर की टिप्पणी
नवीनतम टिप्पणियां
8 दिन पहले
This is awesome and explains in great detail about the 400 years 🔥
10 दिन पहले
I have been searching my history and found so many royal crowns on Watching this has helped a great deal in seaking out the truth. My Great Grandmother was Mary Alice Gatlin Chandler from Apochicola Florida. 1889-1998. My Dad history is traced to Rameesee III. I also tied family to the Catoctin Furnace Iron-Workers. I am on a quest to know my lineage.
10 दिन पहले
Salaamah Yashar'el, I truly enjoy the historical journey of the true people of TMHY, HalleuYah~
10 दिन पहले
Great documentary. My first visit to Africa was 2019 during the year of return. The end of our captivity!
11 दिन पहले
Shalom, I cannot see any of the movies of documentary.i can hear the audio but not picture on. can you please fix the problem. I was watching 400 years on yt then it told me if I want to see the rest go to the hebrew app. thank you 😊