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A Place by Judia
A song to the diaspora.
I wrote this song as I watched the footage of the officer choking out that brother in the street. I'm sure many know the name. I felt crushed. Not just for him or me but for our people and our plight. Whether real or a staged event (I don't know). But it symbolized how to me we rank in this society we live in. And, I just wanted to get away from here. Far from here. I guess that's a sort of knee jerk reflex. I make no excuses for that human response; it's natural. But I realize that we as a people have things we have to do for El Elyon to do what He will do. We can't expect mercy from oppressors. That's not in their nature, (at least not for us). No our deliverance IS coming. But it will be Divine. And it could be that place, that special place can only be reached with Yahuah's power and by our faith in His promises.
This was my first take of this song, the quality is not that good but it contains the beats of my heart.
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