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The Secret Place- "Word Is Bond"(2)
Word is Bond;
What you're saying is true, correct or facts.
Reassurance that one is telling the truth.
One's word is one's bond.
When you make a vow to God,
do not delay in fulfilling it.
He has no pleasure in fools;
fulfill your vow.
It is better not to vow than to make a
vow and not fulfill it.
Do not let your mouth lead you into sin.
5:4-7 KJV
When you tell God you’ll do something,
do it—now.
God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble.
Vow it, then do it.
Far better not to vow in the first place than to vow and not pay up.
Don’t let your mouth make a total sinner
of you.
When called to account, you won’t get by with “Sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
Why risk provoking God to angry retaliation?
But against all illusion and fantasy
and empty talk There’s always this
rock foundation:
Fear God!
When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it:
for the LORD thy God will surely require
it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.
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