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Ask the Negroes, It is a fearful thing to fall into the judgement hands of God

66 Views • 01/30/21
41 Subscribers

The judgment of God on his chosen race and people proves that it is a fearful thing and terrible thing to fall into the judgment hands of the living God.
Ask the Negroe. Examine what has happened to their race and what will still happen to them based on the judgment and decisions of the living God-Yahuwah. You will agree that falling into the judgment hands of the God of Israel is a fearful thing.
For one thing you are not coming out of the sentence until you have served and completed the time. 2000 years punishment is what is imposed on the Negroe race (Hosea 5:16, Hosea 6:1-2, 2Peter 3:8)
Amos 3:1-3. God stated that He is dealing with the Negroes according to the aggreement that they entered into when He brought our ancestors out from slavery in Egypt.
Other peoples and nations should learn from the Negroes experience and know that the decisions of the living God still stands and He will do as He has decided and as He pleases (Isaiah 46:8-10).

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