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BarakYahuah by AaliYah Taavi (Official Music Video) © 2022 [Music Produced by Judah Blakc]

84 Views • 07/28/22
Sharman Castillo
Sharman Castillo
37 Subscribers

SoFresh Records Presents our Artist AaliYah Taavi and her amazing song BARAK YAHUAH.

Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Oh Nepeshi

Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Barak Yahuah oh Nepeshi
Oh Nepeshi

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Ga'al sahat hay atar checed raham
Checed raham
Ga'al sahat hay atar checed raham
Checed raham

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Saba Tob Adi Hadash
Neser na'urim
Neser na'urim

Saba Tob Adi Hadash
Neser na'urim
Neser na'urim

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Asa Tsedaqah Yahuah mishpat
kol asaq
Kol asaq

Asa Tsedaqah Yahuah mishpat
kol asaq
Kol asaq

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Barak Nepeshi Yahuah
Kol qerebi shem kodesh
Shem kodesh

Bless Yahuah oh my soul and all that's within me bless his only name
Bless Yahuah oh my soul and all that's within me bless his only name
Bless Yahuah oh my soul and all that's within me Bless his holy name
Bless Yahuah oh my soul and all that's within me bless his only name
Bless Yahuah oh my soul and all that's within me bless his only name

Bless Yahuah oh my soul and forget not all his benefits.

Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from destruction; who Crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your Youth is renewed like the eagle's.

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Duane Harris
Duane Harris
3 years ago

Not sure if Taavi Yah is here on HebrewConnectTV but please tell her beautiful song, and great job on the video to all involved!

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