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Ep.119 Woman Preachers and The Apostle Paul
82 צפיות
• 08/31/22
38 מנויים
We search the scriptures for context on woman preachers and Pastors. Do
the scriptures allow for them? Early female believers' contributions
are uplifted. Order of TMH vs. order of the day is explored
להראות יותר
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תגובות אחרונות
לִפנֵי 3 שנים
The issue in the Timothy text was about the order of the Assembly and Women usurping authority over men and disrespecting their Husbands.
The risk in your position is a variant form of textual criticism which encourages picking and choosing what portion of scripture you wish to observe or NOT observe.
To buffet choose what passages of scripture you choose to keep or disregard by proclaiming it was only applying to their Biblical day.
Where is the line drawn in picking and choosing?
לִפנֵי 3 שנים
Valid points, but about 3 or 4 different issues.
Plus, although you stated you aren’t going to insert your opinion over the scripture, your narrative is completely slanted towards your bias/opinion.
לִפנֵי 3 שנים
? You lost me on this one… ?
לִפנֵי 3 שנים
לִפנֵי 3 שנים
לִפנֵי 3 שנים