Shalom Fam... tonight we are installing our new long awaited Livestream System. Please note that during this time some uploads may be affected. We will do our best to minimize disruption.
Freedom at last! Freedom at last! Thank God we are free at last!
Freedom at last! That proclamation and chorus will sound sweet to the ears of the redeemed remnants of Israel. Israel -Abraham's chosen descendants were subjected to a long time of slavery and servitude to the nations by Yahuwah -God.
Israel descendants were scattered among the nations where they will serve 2000 years of punishment and humiliation for their ancestor's error -(breaking the covenant with God).
"No one will buy you out" No one can get Israel's descendants out from this last captivity and slavery among the nations until Yahuwah our God returns to buy us back from the nations.
Therefore, true freedom will arrive for the remnant descendants of Israel, when the appointed 2000 years punishment time has ended among the nations. Then the chosen and redeemed ones will shout and joyfully cry out.
Freedom at last, freedom, at last, Thank God we are free at last. "For no more will strangers make him -(Israel descendants ) their slaves.
Watch and get ready for that day is near.
#set the captives free
#the day of redemption
#Great is our repurchaser
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