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Hebrew Academy E1000 Hebrew Apologetics Snippet

126 Views • 10/16/21
Brother T
Brother T
78 Subscribers

⁣Hebrew Academy of Detroit is as an initiative to awaken, teach, and train believers with knowledge of the original history, people, and doctrine of the Scriptures while equipping them for ministry to the world. The Hebrew Academy is not associated with any Christian Denomination, BHI camps or doctrine. As a learning institution we reject the idea that race and ethnicity play a role in salvation. While we do teach that the true Israelites in the Bible were and are people of color, race has nothing to do with salvation.

Hebrew Academy of Detroit provides every participant, whether as an auditor or student, with knowledge about the Scriptures, Hebrew History, and Ministry Training in a format that is accelerated, challenging, and exciting.

Christianity and its Academic Institutions have not been faithful in following the Bible nor have properly taught it’s following about the true people of the Scriptures. Many of today’s popular teachings and customs are not based in Scripture.This initiative strives to return to the paths of truth that have largely been ignored.

Our goal is to enhance, educate, grow and excel in knowledge to help further the Hebrew understanding and faith. Over 40 class offerings are facilitated by a highly qualified team and faculty, from around the country, who are Biblical & Spiritually qualified and have years applied Hebrew Studies and Ministry Experience. They are able to facilitate you with a specialized course of study designed to blend both truth and practice, and will draw upon your experience and knowledge to enhance the training process.

We offer several courses in the accelerated format. We make a greater use of technology a priority, which will enhance the classroom experience and also lead to complete online assignments.

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