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PRAYERS OF THE BIBLE | With Mrs. Neshamah | EP 1
Let's learn about the prayers and petitions in the Bible and learn how to plan our prayers using the G.R.I.T.S method:Give thanksRepentInquireThanksgivingSeal ItRemember to download your FREE Brewlings Network G.R.I.T.S. Prayer Journal! Get yours today on Teachers Pay Teachers! #faith #learning #sabbath #hebrew #hebrewconnect #bible#youtube #watch #biblestories #sabbathschoolservice #faith #children #howtomemorizebibleforkids #hebrewroots #howtoremember #memorizationtechniques #biblestudy #bibleforchildren #sabbath #music #shabbat #sabbathschoolservice #biblestories #learning #repentance #friendship #friendshipgoals #relationships #yah #yahweh #yahusha #yahuah #yahawashi #yahawah #bibleforchildren #characterdevelopment #characterbuilding #yeshua #intergrity #thebrewlingsnetwork #brewlings #yahwah #yhwh #yhvh #torah #torah4you #torahforlife #torahthoughts #homeschooling #homeschoolkids #homeschoolmom #afterschool #fun #prayer #praying #bibleprayers
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