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Prophetic Robot (Transhumanism) Dream #Robots #propheticdream

170 Views • 07/21/22
Set Apart Not Aside
Set Apart Not Aside
47 Subscribers

Prophetic Robot Dream. 7.20.2022

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#robots #propheticdream #daugtersofYah #menofyah
#womenofGod #menofGod

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2 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

This is the first I've seen this video and I'm watching after having a similar prophetic dream. It was like a FEMA camp/hotel where we were but we weren't staying there...we were helping those who didn't take the poison to get out and run to safety until it was time to be gathered out. This happened during darkness and I think this happened after the EMP grid went out all over the land. So yes, repent and repent means to walk the straight and narrow. Matthew 7:14. Praise YAHUAH!

Set Apart Not Aside
Set Apart Not Aside
3 years ago

Wow! That's interesting. I had a vision concerning fema camps earlier last year as well, just before I had ever heard of them. Yah is definitely pouring out His knowledge. Definitely a time to trust The Most High more than ever, to get our spiritual houses in order, and to pray Psalms 91 for covering.

Brother T
Brother T
3 years ago

Thanks for this video, and you said something that I too often feel, and that is we seem to spend too much time and NRG focusing what evil and wicked people are doing. I truly believe that this is something that many in the awakening are being delivered from Praise ABBA YAHUAH!

Set Apart Not Aside
Set Apart Not Aside
3 years ago

Thanks Brother T, I agree. Many of us have been giving the enemy too much credit. We know based on prophecy what is to come which is all the more reason to turn up on our faith and get out spiritual houses in order. A relationship with Yah is the most important thing. Peace and blessings. All praises to The Most High Yahuah!

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