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SIMON TOKO: The African Prophet, The Vatican's Hidden Secret!

396 Views • 11/26/22
Elliston Stone-Music
Elliston Stone-Music
35 Subscribers

On this new video we reveal about the Vatican Hidden Secret about Simao Toko. We reveal why in 1962 Pope John XXIII had to send two messengers from 8000 miles to Angola-Afrika in order to inquire about who Simao Toko is, and what happened in 1935 in Catete-Afrika.We also reveal why Simao Toko was taken by force to Portugal and why he had to come back on 31/ 08/1974 and why Angola became independent on 11/11/1975. Stay tune to find out more and Take a second to like, subscribe and share so that you don't miss any of Bantu Tokoista Youth video. NKEMBO KWA TATA NZAMBI TUYIMBILA!!!

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