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The Crystal Jones TV Show 11-27-21

58 Views • 11/22/21
Crystal Jones
Crystal Jones

Show Name and description:      

Who We Are pt. 4

Hebrew/Black History

Click to listen to this weeks episode of my show

This is a Faith based TV show bringing topics to add balance to people from all walks of life.
Watch: Saturday's: ch. 951/Optimum, 2137/Fios
7pm-8pm or on
Follow: FB Live, youtube: The crystal Jones TV Show

Consider Becoming a Supporter/sponsor.
To send donations:

Show Name and description:      

Who we are pt. 2

Hebrew/Black Lifestyles


Shalawam Barack Ahthah(Pece & Bless You)

In the name of Ahayah("I AM" the name of the Most High God) Bahashem(in the name of) Yashaya(my Savior, Jesus)  

Wa Rawach Qadash(And Holy Spirit)

My contact info

Subscribe to my youtube channel, like & share my videos

This is a Faith based TV show bringing topics to add balance to people from all walks of life.
Watch: Saturday's: ch. 951/Optimum, 2137/Fios
7pm-8pm or on
Follow: FB Live, youtube: The crystal Jones TV Show

Consider Becoming a Supporter/sponsor.
To send donations:

Show Name and description:      

Who we are pt. 4

Hebrew/Black Lifestyles


Shalawam Barack Ahthah(Peace & Bless You)

In the name of Ahayah("I AM" the name of the Most High God) Bahashem(in the name of) Yashaya(my Savior, Jesus)  
Wa Rawach Qadash(And Holy Spirit)

My contact info

Subscribe to my channel, like & share my videos

Scripture of the day:

Genesis 28:11–13


11 So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. 

12 Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there rthe angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

13 And behold, the Lord stood above it and said:
“I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; uthe land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants."

Today's News: 

Ahmaud Arbery case

Video 1: Ahmaud Arbery

Missing Youth:

Health n Wellness tips: 

Ginger, Garlic & Honey(Teas & Paste) For the winter & throughout the year

Business tips:
Be ready for change & flexibility

SHEMA(Listen) Yasharahla(Israel) AHAYA ELOHENU(The Lord is our God), AHAYAH ECHAD(The Lord is One!)

Jacobs's/Israel's 12 Tribes 

1) Genesis chapters. 28-30  ----

2) The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament/The Ladder of Jacob

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