Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
We Were Made in His Image
Based on feedback from Watch the Throne 2 - The Image of the Beast, these are the slides from the documentary that focus only on the revelations pertaining to how we are made in the Image of our Creator YHWH ELOHIM and his Son YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH. This teaching COULD NOT be uploaded to YOUTUBE because of the National Geographic clip that explains how the Y-Chromosome points back to Adam. The TRUTH will set you free!
Focusing on the agenda of the tribulations can be overwhelming, so it is vital we get back to the basics and study the word to show ourselves approved.
Section 1 - Made in his image - What is Life?, 10-5-6-5 Coded in DNA, Laminin and the TAW
Section 2 (7:48) - The ALEF and TAW - Y`SHUA the First Creation
Section 3 (15:16) - TSELEM/TSALAM - The Silhouette (Image Breakdown)
Section 4 (19:10) - DEMUT - Likeness Breakdown
Section 5 (25:53) - Scientific Adam - The Y-Chromosome, YAH`S Arm made bare,
Section 6 - What is a Woman? - The Mitochondrial DNA
Section 7 (39:37) - The Hierarchy of Marriage - The importance of Marriage, what is a Husband
Section 8 (46:26) - NASHAMAH - The Breath of Life Revealed *THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND*
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1 year ago
Todah Rabbah Bro The KOYOC Podcast. SO profound, especially the end linking the Y chromosomes to YAH and the Ruach. My Ruach is stirring. WIl need to review a few more times. APTTMH!!!!