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FAQs:  Frequently Asked Questions & Answers To Christian Doctrine
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions & Answers To Christian Doctrine Yahchanina 30 Views • 1 year ago

⁣An awakening to TRUTH is on the horizon, and it has prompted an influx of questions and discussions regarding the Christian doctrine. Many believers are discovering that some of their long-held beliefs have serious theological errors, which could affect their salvation. After all, it is written that our people perish from a lack of knowledge.

Therefore, our lessons are designed to highlight various common errors in Christian doctrine and to use several Biblical Scriptures to provide correction.

This series will cover the following topics:
1. Table Of Contents
2. Lesson Introduction
3. What Does It Mean To Be Saved By Grace?

⁣To view more lessons, visit us at:

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Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth  Pt 13
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth Pt 13 Yahchanina 30 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite! Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey as we discuss the following topics in this series:
1. Origin of the word, "Christian".
2. Our Messiah IS NOT a Christian nor did he call His people Christians.
3. The religion called Christianity, is not in the bible.
4. Jesus is Christian, but Yahusha is Hebrew.

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Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth  Pt  12
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth Pt 12 Yahchanina 14 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite! Now What?

Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey as we discuss the following topics in this series:
1. Continuation - Who is salvation for and why?
2. Discussing roots, origins and correct definition of the word "Church" and why it was inserted.


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Tucker Carlson interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra on the corruption of medicine by Big Pharma
Tucker Carlson interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra on the corruption of medicine by Big Pharma Yahchanina 32 Views • 2 years ago

Excerpt: ⁣The corruption of modern medicine has never been better revealed and summarized by a doctor on mainstream media than right here, right now, by Dr. Aseem Malhotra. Known as one of the most influential cardiologists ever in Great Britain.

⁣Covid jabs are risky, dangerous, can be leathel and promoted with misinformation across the board. Avoid them like the plague, because they may just be spreading one!

I call it the D-Plague, which means"disability & death"!! The culling of the masses has begun!! I highly recommend that you read the article below to gain an in-depth understanding on how 5G will be used as a destructive weapon against the vaccinated.

Catastrophic Contagion Virus Pandemic Simulation 2022
Catastrophic Contagion Virus Pandemic Simulation 2022 Yahchanina 34 Views • 2 years ago

It's time for Jacob to Wake up!
This video is regarding a Catastrophic Contagion that was a pandemic simulation hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, held at Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 23rd October 2022.

The Catastrophic Contagion pandemic simulation featured a fictional Enterovirus, called SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025), which originates in Brazil, before spreading to the rest of the world. Enteroviruses are a group of RNA (RNA is actually mRNA) viruses.

Note: The virus is a group of RNA viruses, which is a cloaked name that means mRNA viruses. Sound familiar? mRNA Vaccines are the culprit for the mRNA viruses!!

The virus in this simulation is called SEERS (cause Jacob is awakening) Enterovirus and it disproportionately affects children and young people, resulting in a billion cases worldwide and 20 million deaths within the year 2025.

Link below outlines lessons learned from the Catastrophic Contagion Virus Pandemic Simulation 2022:

Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth  Pt  11
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth Pt 11 Yahchanina 43 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite!
Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey as we discuss the following topics in this series:
1. Continued - Who is salvation for and why?
2. Did Yahusha come to save the world or His own?
3. For God so loved the world, discover its authentic meaning.

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Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth  Pt  10
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth Pt 10 Yahchanina 92 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey as we discuss the following topics in this series:
1. Historical and descriptive proof of the identity of the Hebrew Israelites
2. Vines Dictionary highlights that Judah IS NOT a Hamite
3. Defining Salvation and clarifying who needs to be saved


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Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth  Pt  9
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth Pt 9 Yahchanina 11 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey as we discuss the following topics in this series:
1. Continuation - Scriptures that identify Israel.
2. The correct definition of "ruddy" and why it matters, Scripture Ref. 1Sa16:12 and 1Sa17:42.
3. DNA proof of the Jew-ish people.
4. DNA proof of the Hebrew Israelite.
5. MAP location of specific DNA.
6. What group of "people" does Deu 28:68 refer to?

Lesson Reference Links For Pt. 9:

To watch the next lesson, Pt. 10, see link below:

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Kyrie Irving shifted Hebrews to Negroes Ron Dalton on Trial in Court of Public opinion
Kyrie Irving shifted Hebrews to Negroes Ron Dalton on Trial in Court of Public opinion Yahchanina 97 Views • 2 years ago


Power Packed Video That Is A Need To See Now!!
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!
Family it is high time for our people to learn the truth and this video delivers it!

To Wacth this video, please use the link below: ⁣

**Revealing the Jew-ish ones, who participated and greatly profited from the enslavement of our "TRUE" Shemetic People. Although they prefer to remain as the wizard of Oz behind the curtain, the veil has now been "rent" and they are fully exposed

**The Catholic Institution (the religious system that founded Christianity) also was directly involved in the enslavement and profiting off of our Shemetic People.

**The shocking truth of the original definition of "The Watch Night"

And there is so much more. It is time for our people to awaken out of the slumber of deception, to have the veils removed from our minds and to embrace the Truth!

Also, to read the book that he suggests within the video, please use the link below for a PDF version of it:

Lastly, please don't be slack or hesitant to review the video and download the book. You know that it is common practice today for informative videos and articles to suddenly disappear.

Much Shalom.

Covid 19 Injections Are Exotic Technology Implantations
Covid 19 Injections Are Exotic Technology Implantations Yahchanina 135 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst who previously conducted contract work for Pfizer, J&J, Thermo Fisher and other corporations, has recently discovered that the Covid 19 Injections are loaded with Exotic Technology, which are designed for targeted population (or individual) control and/or assassinations.

She also ⁣unveiled PATENTS and documents describing the covid vaccine 5G link, biosynthetic AI nanotech, “soft actuators” and NEUROWEAPONS implanted with needles.

The diabolical and destructive intents of the global elites are being exposed!

Now What!  What to do after you learn the truth that you are a Hebrew Israelite - Part 8
Now What! What to do after you learn the truth that you are a Hebrew Israelite - Part 8 Yahchanina 73 Views • 2 years ago

⁣YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect?
This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more! We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.

Please use links below to connect to the additional parts of this lesson:






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Covenom 19 World War V
Covenom 19 World War V Yahchanina 120 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Covenom 19 "World War V"
The global plandemic was the first step in their diabolical Great Reset. This video is an unveiling of their web of lies that they have spun over the past two years! Learn the truth, become immune to their deceptions and ⁣avoid their lies!

Now What!  What to do after your learn the truth  Pt  7
Now What! What to do after your learn the truth Pt 7 Yahchanina 55 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!

We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.

Lesson Reference Links:

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Now What!  What to do after your learn the truth  Pt  6
Now What! What to do after your learn the truth Pt 6 Yahchanina 29 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more! We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.

Today's Lesson Reference:

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Now What!  What to do after your learn the truth  Pt  5
Now What! What to do after your learn the truth Pt 5 Yahchanina 16 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!
We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.

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In Taiwan, More People Die AFTER  Vax Than From Virus
In Taiwan, More People Die AFTER Vax Than From Virus Yahchanina 65 Views • 2 years ago

This is a live news update which is providing statistics regarding those who have been vaccinated in Taiwan. The numbers are mind-boggling! I was fortunate enough to record this snippet before the "powers to be" snatched every news update and commentary off of all or most mainstream and alternative media outlets.

KUSI News Reported A Dramatic Rise Of Deaths
KUSI News Reported A Dramatic Rise Of Deaths Yahchanina 56 Views • 2 years ago

It's very unusual for mainstream media to admit that there is a dramatic rise in all types of deaths and that rare diseases are becoming not so rare. It's important for me to post this video because I get so much push-back from people when the information is not coming from local news. So let's see if this truth will make a difference in their decisions.

Now What!  What to do after your learn the truth - Pt. 4
Now What! What to do after your learn the truth - Pt. 4 Yahchanina 53 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!
We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.
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Don't Vaccinate Your Kids, Or Else!
Don't Vaccinate Your Kids, Or Else! Yahchanina 67 Views • 2 years ago

Researcher and founder of the Mrna vaccines is openly speaking out AGAINST Covid Vaccinations for children. He reveals a list of dangerous and deadly outcomes for those who choose to take this irrepairable risk.

As a Mrna Vaccine Scientist and the founder of the Mrna vaccines, he obviously understands the intricacies of how it works in the body. Therefore, I think we should listen ⁣🤔 to what he has to say. ⁣

Below are articles of other prominent scientists (now called right-wing conspiracist), that have joined Dr. Malone in exposing the dangers, risks and deaths caused by these experimental vaccines.

⁣16,000 Scientists Stand with Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Architect

⁣Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in ⁣International Criminal Court on December 6, 2021

Now What!  What to do after your learn the truth  Pt  3
Now What! What to do after your learn the truth Pt 3 Yahchanina 77 Views • 2 years ago

YAHUAH has awakened you and now you realize that you are a Hebrew Israelite. Now What? Does it matter? Why does it matter? How does it matter? How will this impact your family? What societal pressures can you expect? This lesson is designed to address those questions and much more!
We welcome you to join us on this new and exciting journey.

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