
Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!

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The Passover Ritual: Providing True Insight into things you have not know!

The Passover Ritual: Providing True Insight into things you have not know!

This is but the first installment of my explanation of the Passover ritual, why you were supposed to keep it and the belief concerning it that you are to hand down to your children.

America, Mystery Babylon? You Sure About that?

America, Mystery Babylon? You Sure About that?

I think the article title speaks to the topic at hand. The question that needs to be answered is this: Is America Babylon? I fear that our bias to single out one nation as Babylon out of all..

Saint Jerome: The Man Who Transliterated A Lie - Part 2

Saint Jerome: The Man Who Transliterated A Lie - Part 2

This is part 2 of 2 concerning the deception that was born out of a transliteration of the Greek adjective "Christian" or "Χριστιανούς."

Saint Jerome: The Man Who Transliterated A Lie

Saint Jerome: The Man Who Transliterated A Lie

This article talks about how the term Christian came about and why it is a transliteration and not a translation of the Greek word "Χριστιανούς."

Watch Out for that Wind: You Might be Receiving a Deception!

Watch Out for that Wind: You Might be Receiving a Deception!

In this article I give you an opportunity to see how God's messengers move throughout the earth. This is just to serve as an introduction to a larger message that I will present in vide..

If Paul Doesn't Have Authority to Teach, Than Who Are YOU?

If Paul Doesn't Have Authority to Teach, Than Who Are YOU?

The other day, I received a message from a Hebrew brother, which came as no surprise given the prevalence of this type of Hebrew. In this article, I challenge the beliefs of certain Hebrew I..

Marriage means Something Totally Different from God's Perspective

Marriage means Something Totally Different from God's Perspective

In this article, I write about some of the imagery related to marriage that Satan has tried to keep from our eyes.

It is evident that we all don't believe the same things! I wonder why?

It is evident that we all don't believe the same things! I wonder why?

In this article I discuss the reality among many who say they are following TMH and barely agree on most things.

The Name of God

The Name of God

The name of God

Moses: The Teacher that came From the Royal House of Kemet

Moses: The Teacher that came From the Royal House of Kemet

In this article, I write about some of the things you need to know concerning Moses before one can ever master the truth.

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