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नवीनतम वीडियो

Ye West Hitler Stalin Mussolini World War II Gibraltar Camp Jamaica Ashkenaz saw BlackSephardimJews
Ye West Hitler Stalin Mussolini World War II Gibraltar Camp Jamaica Ashkenaz saw BlackSephardimJews LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 17 विचारों • 6 घंटे पहले

The Whyte Ashkenazi who Hitler, Britain sent to Jamaica for safekeeping during World War II Saw Black Shepardim Jews in JAmaica.

The Nazis, By TIme Life Books

⁣Jan. 30, 2024AD. Ye West Hitler Stalin Mussolini World War II Gibraltar Camp Jamaica Ashkenaz saw BlackSephardimJews

The Black JEws from Jamaica and the West Indies and WOrldwide fought for the Allies in WOrld War II , the West Indian Regiment , the Cenotaph in Port Antonio Jamaica is a memorial for those Black Negroe Children of Jacob/Israel who fought and died and received no compensation for their heraldry in World War II

Jamaica Neger, Negril Negro, Negresses Niger comes from the Jew Simeon Acts 13 v 1 also called Niger many of whom were in Jerusalem, Spain (Sepharad see Obadiah) ,
Children of Judah, Benjamin and Levi became First CHristians from Jerusalem, many with Hebrew names and early CHristian names to this day: that is why Jamaica has more churches per square mile than any other place on earth, Christ sent His disciples, to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Jacob/ Israel.

Aschenaz are the Children of Japhet and Esau, via their forefathers (Ashkenaz and Kenaz)
See Genesis 10 v 1-6

The Times of Israel
› home › in jamaica, a once-in-a-lifetime reunion for jews who weathered wwii in an island camp
In Jamaica, a once-in-a-lifetime reunion for Jews who weathered WWII in an island camp | The Times of Israel
This weekend, Schpektor with her ... who were given safe haven here during World War II. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories ... Inez Schpektor in Kingston, Jamaica for the Gibraltar Camp reunion....
› pages › history › story0069.html
Jamaica Gleaner : Pieces of the Past: Out Of Many Cultures: GIBRALTAR CAMP A REFUGE FROM WAR
GIBRALTAR CAMP A REFUGE FROM WAR · Dr. Rebecca Tortello, Contributor

Bible prophesies being fulfilled by Ashchenaz , Edom in the Holy Lands, Americas, Earth:

How Japhet/Edom in the lands of Shem/Israel end badly for them

Black Jamaican Jews Levites, Israelites who know their tribe , bloodline, and geneology and who were not in the transatlantic slave trade , set of Black Hebrew slaves (Duet 28v68)

Neger is German for Negro

WII Hitler Neger Torpedo
Berliner Zinnfiguren | German Human Torpedo "Neger"
German Human Torpedo "Neger"
Neger (German for Negro) was a torpedo-carrying craft generally described as a human torpedo which could not submerge, but was difficult to see during night operations. The vessel was used by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine between 1943


Niger in LATIN means BLACK

Blacks Negroes in Latin America how they were genoCideD:
Menen, :No Blacks in Argentina, that is a Brazil Problem

Mullatoes, Mestizos in Latin America , Octoroons, Quadroons, etc to genocide full blooded Black Children of Jacob/Israel also called Negroes

The KanYe now Ye West , Kyrie Irving, Hebrews to Negroes Documentary
Uproars, Oppresion, Cancellations, visit :Holococaust museum, pay reparations or "shakedowns" , pagan tatoos, in NBA, mixed, races, in the industries run by their employers notice these things, from people who are not Semites by bloodline. Judah his wife was a Canaanite (Hamites are Canaanites) , both are Black nations:

Kanye West Tweets Pic of Kyrie Irving Amid NBA Player’s Antisemitism Controversy
November 3, 2022 - Kanye West tweeted a pic of Kyrie Irving following the NBA star's antisemitism controversy.
› nbas-kyrie-irving-apologizes-deeply-weeks-after-posting-antisemitic-film › amp
Kyrie Irving rejoins Nets, 'apologizes deeply' weeks after posting antisemitic film | The Times of Israel

November 20, 2022 - Irving said he was initially searching for more information about his heritage when he posted the link to “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” on his Twitter page. The film contains antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial. When first asked about it, he was defiant about his right to post material that interested him. Then, he refused to apologize ...

Kanye West , Plan.ned Parenj.thood is Black People's Hol.oc.ausT MuseUM

Europe lessons Negative Birth rates leads to replacement by antiCHrists in their countries CauCASIA
Europe lessons Negative Birth rates leads to replacement by antiCHrists in their countries CauCASIA LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 13 विचारों • 7 घंटे पहले

Asia Europe Japhet Edom and the negative birthrates , after years of wars , debauchery, eating their children in MRNAs, Islamists , openly welcomed, to replace them , etc

⁣Obadiah prophesy happening now in Europe who let the enemies into Christendom our forefathers fought and died to keep out so we could serve Jehovah in peace. Armenian genocide, Christians persecuted in Arab and pagan countries worldwide

Margaret Sanger Liberals Marxists Communists Capitalists etc have wiped out countless people. Aborting black babies by Planned Parenthood set up in the hood and using abortion to target black countries goes against scripture. Jehovah's children are to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. The black countries use less resources to produce the best results in the earth in harmony with creation.

Infants left to die and their organs harvested to for use in vaccines and many other demonic things
Abortion kills babies , that is what Planned Parenthood and contraceptive does

Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and he cast into the Sea, then that he should offend one of these little ones.

Matthew 18:6
But who so shall offend one of these little ones which beleeue in me, it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that hee were drowned in the depth of the Sea.

Mark 9:42
And whosoeuer shall offend one of these litle ones that beleeue in me, it is better for him, that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and he were cast into the Sea.

Hidden Distractions, Ep. 16 (Animated Story Series)
Hidden Distractions, Ep. 16 (Animated Story Series) GahnStoryz 126 विचारों • 1 दिन पहले

Episode 16 depicts several characters' continued journey from the previous episodes in the series, "Hidden Distractions". (For discussion-purpose, entertainment, and reflection.)

Thank you for watching!

👀 Watch ALL Episodes in Order (Playlist):


👀 Viewer's discretion advised (Episode 16 contains):
Name calling “Hypocrite” “Wh-re"; Discussion about Assault


🤔 For Entertainment Purpose, to Provoke Reflection and Continued Discussions—
Faith-based Animation Stories - Hidden Distractions is a series, depicting the journey of several characters, with a dramatic focus on the elements that highlight distractions within their space.

How would YOU handle each situation?
(Leave a comment below!)


#animatedmovie #animated #truetstory #faithmovies #relationship #motivation #yah #messianic #christiananimation

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