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Garifuna Negro Latin Americans Carib West Indian are Israelites
Garifuna American Black Indian Nations who are Israelites
Genesis 9:27
God shall enlarge Iaphet, and he shal dwel in the tents of Shem, and Canaan shalbe his seruant.
Obadiah 1 Esau for his cruelty toward Jacob
Our forefathers lived in the East in Eden in earth before the flood. Israelites descended from Adam, Seth. Enos Cainan, Mahalaleel, JARED, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, SHEM, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob renamed Israel. After the flood we scattered into nations. Negroes are Israelites descendants of SHEM inherited lands from 1657 AM anno mundo after the flood to present lands including the Holy lands Havilah Ophir Sheba Ophir Arsareth Brittania Isles America Golden Chersonese Chryse Isle of Jesus Malay Peninsula Philippines Pacific Islands parts of India East Indies West India West Indies North South Central America New World . Miamin Florida indians.
Carabasion - 1 Edras 9v34 Charibees Caribs Caribbean Sambo Simba Cherubs Zambo Garifuna Mesquita Indians Negro Peruda children of Solomon's servants Ezra 2v55. Assyria Persia Asia etc .Lucian Archipelago Incas Amaruca Amorica Ophir is Shem El Dorado in Americas . Peru from Peruda Solomon's servants ; City of gold Atlantis black Mound builders in North America Hopewell and in Jamaica Hopewell
Why are Negroes called Indians and WEST INDIANS? From Antiquity. See Complete Works of Flavius Josephus PG 605 Queen Ester or Hadassah the Jewess ruled from Ethiopia unto IndiaSee END or IND Shem's territory in The Chronicles of Jerahmeel and INDIANA in USA where West Indians ruled all the Americas and WEst. WEst Indians black are Israelites from the Patriarchs
The Patriarchs Israelites early Christians in Americas were Negro Indians black, red,
What the black Red Indians in America looked like
Negroes American West Indians
Jamaica Port Royal richest country in earth at one time. Americas resources richest to this day. Built the great empires of Europe with resources and slave labour. North American Indian Amerindian Native Indian West Indian America was named by Israelites not Amerigo Vespuccu. Indiana today Endiana in Antiquity is from SHEM . Hymn Let us break bread together on our knees with face to the rising sun, sun rise in East and Daniel prayed toward Jerusalem while in captivity in Babylon.
Chronicles of Jerahmeel. Josephus said Hebrews were called Indian. By Colchis. Solomon Islands Ophir full of Negroes was named so before Caucasians came there in 1500s AD. The people who came to the West and the Americas first. Shem Hebrew Israelites. ENDs or INDs. Hunter Gatherers after the flood at time of Noah. The Ark rested on Mount Ararat.
Arawak Zapotecs Zambo Sambo Sambatyon cafuzo Zambayga Yanga Janga Black Seminoles Narragansett Pequot Campania Shinnecock Choctaw Creek Cherokee Maroon Seminoles Miskitu Mosquito Indians Mosquito Zambos Redbone Freedman of Chickasaw. Freedman of Five Civilized Tribes . Canada black Ojibwe Ojibwa Chippewa Saulteaux Uche Yutche Bahamas Florida Indians black tribes.
Tarsus in Spain had many Israelites. The Lost chapter of the Acts of the Apostles or Sonnini Manuscript Apostle Paul's journey to Britannia where he preached to a tribe of Israelites on Ludgate Hill. Ludi is a game played in Jamaica also ludji and Ludlo etc are common names.
Amorica. PG 160 Anglosaxon Chronicle by King Alfred the Great. Armenia land of Noah ark. Ararat in Shem territory. Arawak in West Indies Armorica also spelled Aremorica (from Celtic AR "on" and mor "sea" ) Latin name for the northwestern extremity of Gaul now Brittany. Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians. France now was Gaul. See the Knights of the Round Table who fought for Christendom.
The first men and people to cross all the oceans the Patriarchs Hebrews Israelites early Christians Phoenicians Solomon's servants
Evidence unleashed
Britain is Israelites territory and Europe from antiquity 7th 8th century AD lead Christian cross , swords, America Unearthed the Desert Cross
Indians descriptions some of the tribes
40 Those are the ten tribes, which were caried away prisoners out of their owne land, in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria ledde away captiue, and hee caried them ouer the waters, and so came they into another land.41 But they tooke this counsaile amongst themselues, that they would leaue the multitude of the heathen, and goe foorth into a further countrey, where neuer mankind dwelt, For through that countrey there was a great way to goe; namely, of a yeere and a halfe: and the same region is called Arsareth.
The Shemites reliefs show black people
Canada, etc and their role in the genocide of the Garifuna Nation still happening today
Garifuna people between jail and grave – Two more killed ... On Wednesday, March 4, after two Garifuna defenders were assassinated in La Ceiba, among them the community leader Martín Pandy, the National Police captured two Garifuna land and rights defenders in Trujillo on trumped charges of usurpation. Honduran Garifuna communities continues to be under constant siege by criminal and government groups.
Canada’s Silent Role in Afro-Honduran Genocide - ANTICONQUISTA Canada’s silent role in the genocide of Garífuna and Afro-Honduran people is a testament to this. Canada — much like the modern United Kingdom and the European Union — is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. While it poses as a “progressive” social democracy, its true imperialist nature is impossible to hide.
Two Garifuna land and human rights defenders illegally jailed ... Two Garifuna land and indigenous rights defenders were illegally jailed by military-backed, drug-trafficking Honduran regime, a “democratic allie” of the US and Canada since the 2009 military coup ousted Honduras’ last democratically elected government. On March 3, Garifuna land defenders Jenifer Sarina Mejia Solorzano and Mariela Mejia ...
Bob Marley , Jacob Miller, Junior Mervin Interview warning foul language,
Bob Marley and Jacob Miller on Russia and America being the two biggest thieves on earth : Hecke and Jeckle
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