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How to Make Cactus Juice: Cactus Pad and Aloe Gut Restoring & Replenishing Super Juice

45 Views • 03/16/21
Into All Truth Live Light Well

Cactus Pad and Aloe Gut Restoring & Replenishing Citrus Juice. Simple to make, cactus pads and aloe Vera can be found in most cities. It's a staple of Mexico, Brazil and many nations. Put plant power to work to bring you health and fight digetstive issues. You can have it too. This fantastic tasting cactus juice is sweet and smoothly textured. It helps to sooth the mucosal lining of your gut, too.

Cactus Juice: Cactus Pad and Aloe Gut Restoring & Replenishing Super Juice

Symbolically, GREEN is the colour of MERCY. Cactus Juice. Slippery, slimy, satisfying healer of the gut.

Aloe Vera: Anti oxident, stomach replenisher, gut restorer, burn, rash, healer, cancer cell nutralizer.

Precious prickly pear: promotes gut healing, prevents cancer, protects the brain.

Let your food be your medicine. Heal thyself, Eat Well, Eat Life!

Single Serving Ingredients:

½ large Cactus Pad (prickly pear)
3 square inches of Aloe Vera plant
1 Orange
1 Lime

Remove prickles from Cactus pads (prickly pear) by shaving them off in the opposite direction with a potato peeler. A Vitamix will remove the prickles and render them harmless, as will juicing them without using the pulp. However, you do need the pulp of the prickly pear.

Slice prickly pear into square inches whether you are using a blender or bullet. Remove thick skin from aloe vera, dice.

Juice lime and orange.

Put all ingredients in a blender of sorts. Blend until cactus is ground into a meal. Not too long, so as not to destroy the slime.

You can also add Morenga which has it’s own powerful healing punch.

Drink and enjoy healing.

Gut healing & replenishing Prickly Pear & Aloe Vera juice sweetened with orange and lime.

The phytochemicals in prickly pear cactus pads and aloe Vera help to fight colon cancer, sarcoma and prostate cancer. They also fight psoriasis, eczema and other skin burns and rashes
Prevent oxidative stress and fight free radicals. With strong anti-inflammatory properties, the protect the brain cells against oxidative stress. If your gut needs healing. This Aloe Vera, Citrus Cactus drink is refreshing, exotic, soothing and fun to drink.

Cactus Pad juice Benefits. - Protects Brain Cells

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